Chapter 3- Mei's drawings

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Y/n pov:

Once me and Mei took the bus, we still had to run home, we crossed the street to our home/business I guess.

We put our name tags on, and put our stuff away then went to find mom.

Once we got to her, she turned around and widened her eyes, she jogged over to us "where were you guys you're 10 minutes late, what happened, are you hurt, are you hungry?" She asked before we spoke she stuffed a dumpling In our mouths

"How was school?" Mom asked "killed it per usual." Mei said I held up my a+ and 100% "that's my little scholars." She said proudly at us

"The ancestors would be so proud." She said and walked to get the things to do the prey for the red panda.

We all sat on the floor pillows, and got on our knees.

Time skip to when we're done cleaning and stuff:

"Come on dads making dinner." Mom said while we were walking to our house

Small time skip

Me, Mei and mom was watching this show, while me and Mei was making the dough for dinner.

I went to dad and put the tray down as he looked at it "perfect." "Yes." I said under my breath, I went back and sat down, soon after Mei was done with hers.

Then I saw a 4☆town commercial come on "Mei-Mei look." I pointed at the TV she came up with her hands on the couch.

"Oh my gosh!" She said "who are these hipphoppers, and why are they called 4☆town when they're 5 of them?" She asked "well some people at school like them." Mei said

"You mean miriam." She looked disappointed, why, "that girl is.. odd." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Mei, which also looked the same way.

"Dinners ready." Dad called, mom got up from the couch so did I, I looked at the floor still thinking about what she said, she held my chin up and smiled, I fake smiled back.

We all sat at the table and ate the food, soon after me and Mei went up to our room to do homework.

Mei was drawing somebody I soon noticed it was Devon "umm why are you drawing devon?" I asked "wait what." She apparently didn't know who she was drawing "Oh I didn't notice that I was drawing him." She kept doing it though "I don't know what Abby and Priya sees in him, he's not that cute." She whispers.

"His shoulders are nice I guess, his eyes are... fine." She said, I saw her take off her headphones while looking at the drawing. I moved my chair around to face her "uhh are you ok?" I asked her she was zoned out, and walking all over the room.

Soon she sat down, put the notebook down, and picked it back up, she rolled under her bed, I heard some evil laughs from the bed.

N/n= nickname

"Mei Mei, n/n," Mom called from the outside of the door, Melin rushed to get from under the bed, and got on the bed.

Mom came inside "you guys want snacks?" She asks "sure, great, thanks!" Mei I looked down to see her notebook, Mei looked at me and followed my eyes, mom looked at the two of us, then to the notebook.

She put the food down and walked over to the notebook and then picked it up.

I couldn't do anything about it but try and convince her that none of the drawing are real and just made up, while she was making disgusted faces at them.

"Mei what is this!?" Mom asked Mei "nothing, he's just a boy-"
"A boy!?"

"Who is he? Did he do these things to you!?" Mom asked Mei they were fighting over the notebook, and I was just standing there.

"That hat... is that the sketchy clerk from the daisy mart?!" She figured out who he was, she started to walk out the door "mom, no!" Mei called out

Mom gestured for me to come, oh no

I got in the car so was Mei, and mom was definitely driving over the speed limit.

We got out of the car we were begging her to not do whatever she came here to do.

We came into the store while the bell rang "Oh snap!" Tyler said I didn't want to but I decided to talk and stand up for her "shut up." I told him

Devon turned around to just get yelled in the face "you!" She called "what have you done to my Mei Mei." She asked the poor guy

"Uhh who?" "Meilin Lee, right here" Tyler yells "I should report you to the police! How old are you? 30?" Mom asked "im 17." He answered

"See, see, this is what happens when you don't wear sunblock and do drugs all day!" She yelled "she's just a sweet innocent child, How dare you take advantage of her." She took out the papers

"Mom noo!" Mei begged before the papers was slammed on the desk "what?" Devon said

He looked at all the drawings while people was laughing at her and whispering to each other.

Mom just led us to the car and we all got in "ok that boy won't go even near you again, both of you, is there anything else I should know about?"

"Nope all good.." Mei said "y/n?" She asked "no." I said looking at the ground, I feel so bad for Mei omg.

When we got home she was screaming in her pillow, "Mei I'll make sure nobody brings it up." I reassured her "thank you y/n." She said I smiled "Come on we should get to bed" Mei said,

I crawled in my bed and soon went to sleep.


I'm trying to make it into a couple diffrent parts if you're wondering if they're short.

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