Chapter 4- Red Panda's

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Y/n pov:

I woke up in the middle of the night, due to the rustling of Mei, I opened my eyes and saw that Mei was having a nightmare,

A couple of seconds she stopped
Moving, so I decided to go back to sleep.

The next morning:

"Y/n!? Mei!? Are you up, breakfast is ready."

I opened my eyes and saw... A RED PANDA!? "Uh- Mei?" I called but I don't think she heard me.

I followed her into the bathroom, she looked down to the mirror, and screamed, I panicked and shut the door.

Mom came rushing to the door, I looked in the mirror, I was a red panda also?

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Mei "is everything okay in there?" Mom asked

"Don't come in here!" Mei said, great we're suspicious now.

"Is it a fever? Stomach ace, chills, constipation?" She asked the both of us

"No" I answered "wait, is it, that, did the red peony bloom." She asked "no!" Mei said quickly

"Maybe?" She said I slapped my hand on my furry face, why would she say that.

"It's okay you two, I'll get everything you need, Jin, Jin, it's happening!" The muffled sounds said

Mei tried to get through the small window "I'm coming in." Mom said, I quickly grabbed Mei Mei, and pulled her into the shower to hide.

Then Mom came bursting in, "everything gonna be okay." She said "no it's not will you just get out!" Mei yelled

I heard a gasp, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to- I'm a gross red monster-" she started but I cutted her off covering her mouth.

Time skip to after she named all the stuff.

"Perhaps we all should talk about why this is happening." "No! I mean, na it okay." Mei said

After she continues to talk

"You two are now a stong beutiful flower." She started to open the curtains

The fire alarm went off she pulled the curtains out all the way, and ran to the kitchen,

Me and Mei went back to our bedroom, I sat on the floor and sighed, I went back to my normal self.

I looked at the mirror and my hair was a bright orange, "Mei you just need to be calm." I stated she nodded and brushed her fur with two brushes.

She soon went back to her normal self she sat on her bed and zoned out for a few seconds

"Well.. y/n now we need to get through school..."

We put on a hat and ride the car to school today.

"Don't worry nobody won't notice a thing, I packed extra snacks in your guys lunch, and tea it help relax your-"

"Okay thanks!" I said and pulled Mei out of the car, we looked back and saw Mom furrowing her eyebrows

We slowly put our thumbs up. And walked into school everyone was crowded.

We walked until we saw our friend group.

Sorry I'm pretty tired I'll update in a little bit probably

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