Chapter 16- Daughter Issues

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Y/n pov:

I found myself and Mei back in the woods that the ritual takes us, me and Mei again were beside eachother.

"Mom!?" I yelled out to her Mei repeating, we ran to a cry in the distance.

We walked up to her "I'm sorry it's all my fault." She said "I hurt her."

"Who?" Mei asked "my mom... I just got so angry... and I lost control, I'm just so sick of being perfect... I'll never be good enough for her... or anyone." She continued to sob

"We both know it feels that way... like all the time, but it isn't true..." I reassured

She turned her head to look at us, I stood up and reached my hand out to her "come on." I said, she grabbed my hand.

We walked, mom was getting older and older the minute, soon we got to the rest of them.

They were all talking, I'm assuming about why we weren't there, they all looked over them quickly surrounded us.

"Ladies..." They all moved away, grandma came up to us then hugged my mom.

"I'm sorry..." "You don't have to apologize..." They broke from the hug "Okay one by one and quickly.

"So n/n and mei-mei are keeping the panda?..." one of my aunts asked "it's their life..." one of them said

They all went through until it was me, Mei, and mom.

"Just go, it's okay." Mei said, she went through, she was walking for like 5 seconds them turned around,

"Please, come with me..." she said "we're changing mom, we've finally found who we are..." Mei said

"But we're scared it'll take us away from you..." I said " Me too... you both try to make everyone happy... if I taught you that, I'm sorry..."

"So don't hold back, the farther you go... the prouder I'll be..." she said.

With that she faded away back to the concert.

There was silence until i broke it "what's happening... do we stay here forever..." I said before sun yee came

She turned into her panda then picked us both up then flew to the sky,

Bringing us both back...

Everything since we've turned 13 been a lot.

But the temple has never been better, instead we could use our own panda instead of some cardboard box,

Then we could also spend alot more time with our friends

I think mom has been a little better with miriam she had always invited her to dinner... I think she knows about us though...

A/n please READ

Okay now I want to know if I should start a oneshot and headcannons book, I think I'll have more ideas for the characters that way, I wanted you guys to vote on it so...

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