Chapter 9- The plan

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The next moring~

At school

We were playing dodge ball, complaining that my mom said no to the concert.

"That presentation was bomb-dot-com, we cited all our resources!"

"We had sparklers!" I added in "and she still said no!" Mei finished

"My mom said I could go when I'm 30." Priya kept a straight face dodging all the dodge balls

"Mine said it was stripper music, what's wrong with that!?" She caught a dodge ball with her teeth.

"Mine said yes, but I have to pay for the ticket? Who's got that kinda cash?" Miriam said while ducking to dodge the ball.

"I know our mom's worried, but she's just so..." "wacko." Miriam finished my sentence, while pointing to the street.

Our mom holding binoculars in her car "ma'am please!" The guard yelled, but she took off with the car.

We look over at Tyler laughing at us "such mommas girls." He laughed more "No wonder Mei and y/n are such losers."

Y'know I was getting fed up with this.

Mei, miriam, Abby, and Priya, all noticed my anger

I gripped on the ball, and threw it as hard as I could at Tyler's face, letting out some of the panda on my arm.

He was lucky he dodged it.

"Illegal throw you're out lee!" Refering to me "b-but Mr. K he-" I started "It's okay, y/n, let's go." Miriam said as all of them pulled me into the bathroom.

"Calm down, guys." Miriam said "dude keep it together." Priya told us "we can't we need to see this concert." Mei complained

"Why doesn't our mom get that?" Mei asked "we never asked for anything." I stated

"All of our lives we've been her perfect little mei-mei, and y/n!."
Mei stated

"Temple duties, grades." I listed "violin!" Abby stated "tap dancing." Priya said

"We've been so good, if they don't even trust us-" Mei said but I cut her off "then what's the point!" I exclaimed

"Wow, who are you? Love it!" Miriam stated "fight the power!" Abby yelled.

"Yeah, yeah." Mei said "This isn't just our first concert..." I said "This is our first step into women hood." Mei finished

We all formed a circle holding Miriams on my left and mei's on my right.

"And we have to together." I finished "I'm in girls! We will say it's a sleepover at my house!" Miriam exclaimed

"The perfect crime!" Abby said "yes! our mom will never know." I stated

"Now we just need to raise money for tickets, come on girls think!" Mei exclaimed

We all got in a thinking position, Abby looked at me excitedly, "you know what will help me think? A little panda!" She begged


"Cmon it'll help me think it's just so cute!" Abby exclaimed

"Ugh fine." Me and Mei said In unison, we both stranded next to eachother, holding our hands out.

Abby happily held on to us for dear life, I closed my eyes imagining the concert again except it was me and miriam holding hands, not even thinking about it I smiled and turned into the panda for Abby

"Happy?" I asked "oh yeah, that's the stuff!" She answered

"O. M. G." The girl from behind us said, I quickly pulled Mei into the stall and closed the door quickly.

"It was you guys in the bathroom, I didn't imagine it!"

"Ya, you did." Miriam said "get lost stacey." Priya waved her hands

"But they're like a magic bear or something." One of them asked

"Red panda!" We all said in unison, I pulled Mei back down.

"You guys are the cutest things ever! Please come out?" They screamed

We both transformed back to ourselfs "wait, so you like the panda?" I asked "like it? We love it!"

"I'll give you anything! Money?"

"My kidney."

"My soul!"

They held the money in the air while all of our eyes turned into money signs.

A/n- I feel like this is a good time to end the chapter so I will do another maybe today or tommorow

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