Chapter 6- The Story

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I was bored so might as well continue the story.

Y/n pov:

Me and Mei followed mom into the temple, she moved the curtain that wad in the way, and took put a box.

The box had a scroll in it, mom started to tell a story of why we had the red pandas

To protect her two daughters and the town, after the story was done, me and Mei just looked at eachother

"Are you.. SERIOUS! It's a curse, it's all your fault." Mei tried to get to the scroll and I'm assuming to rip it up.

I pulled her away with the help of my parents "there's a cure!" Mom said "what how do you know?" I asked "because it happend to me."

"Why didn't you warn us?" May asked "I thought I had more time, you're just a child, I thought if I watched you like a hawk it would've seen signs and prepare."

"On the red moon, you two will do a ritual, it will seal your red panda spirit into one of these." She held up a necklace

"Any emotion will release the red panda, and the more you'll release it the harder the ritual will get, you two cannot fail, if you will never be free."

I nodded and looked at the calender "it's the 25th" Dad said "the 25th? That's a whole month away!" I said

"We will wait it out together, and I'll be with you two every step of the way." Mom said

We were about to go to sleep, and pulling mattresses in the bedroom so it doesn't break.

Before they left "red is a lucky color." Dad said, that's all you have to say.

Then he left.

We both heard them outside talking. Not very good things

Mei quietly sobbed while facing the wall, I couldn't do anything but try to go to sleep.

What was I gonna do? Tell her they don't mean them. She's as smart as me she knows when I lie


Sorry it is really really short I'm probably gonna do another chapter after this one anyways

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