Chapter 7- Friend Cure

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The next moring~

I woke up to thumping onto the floor and walls, once I heard it I shot up, "Mei what are you doing, you could just breath and you will turn into yourself!" I said

Once she got to her human self, the knock on the window startled us both.

We both turned into our red panda form and went to the window.

"Guy's it's us, open up!" It sounded like miriam "tap the window if you can hear us." Priya said

"One for yes and two for no!" Abby yelled

"We were so worried, we thought you guys like died from embaresment." Miriam said

"Do you guys need more pads? I brought extra." Priya asked

"Forget that, 4☆towns coming to Toronto!" Abby yelled "what!" Me and Mei said opening the curtains

Immediately they all screamed, so did Mei,

I pulled them in, covering there mouths.

"Shh, shut up, it's us y/n and Mei!" I tried calming them down, soon they all was quiet

"Y/n is gonna put you down, and you are gonna be chill, got that?" Mei asked

They shook there heads, I slowly put them down.

We all stared at eachother, but Priya speaks up "Are you guys werewolves." She asks

"What no?" I answered "they're a red panda, you're so fluffy, you're so fluffy!" Abby said and rubbed her face on my fur.

"I always wanted a tail." Priya said poofing Meis tail

"Priya, Abby, quit it, guys what the heck happend."

"It's just some inconvenient genetic thingy we got from our mom it'll go away, eventually." Mei started to cry

I went over to her and tried to comfort her.

"I hate this, I'm snobby, I'm smelly, my mom won't even look at me, and not 4☆town..." Mei said.

"When are they coming?" I asked Abby "may 18, they just announced it."

"May 18! There's no way this will be gone by then." Mei said

"Just go, go become women without me." She said

"Mei it's gonna be okay." I reassured her "No its not. Im a freak. Just leave us alone please."

She curled up into a ball on the floor. I sat down beside her.

'Do something please' I mouthed while furrowing my eyebrows

Miriam looked at the floor thinking of something. She looked back up. And started beat boxing?

Abby did also but Priya just said some stuff

"I never met nobody, like you" she pointed at us "had friends and I've had buddies" She sang
"It's true" they all said

"But they don't turn my tummy the way you do~ I've never met nobody like you." She sang

I smiled whenever Mei looked up and started to sing along

"You're never not on my mind?" She quietly sang "oh my oh my"

"I'm never not on your side, your side, your side" we all sang

"I'm never not gonna let you cry, oh cry, don't cry, never not gonna be your ride, or die, all right!" We all sang

We each made a weird pose, and all hugged eachother "Thanks guys, you're the best." Mei said

I looked at miriam and mouthed 'thanks' she nodded

"We love you guys" Miriam reassured "you're our girls" Priya said "panda or no panda"  we all hugged again.

Me and Mei turned back into ourselves, they all stepped back to look at us "you're yourselfs." Miriam said

"Is it gone?" Abby asks "for now, but if we get to exited it'll come right back-"

I saw Abby about to do something to Mei but I let her do it to see if she would change.

Abby pinched Meis cheek "ow Abby what the heck."

My eyes widened "something feels diffrent."

"Abby punch me" Mei said "Mei, I don't think that's a good ide-" before I finished she was already on the floor

I looked down and saw Mei was still not a panda

"I stayed calm." Mei said "I think something about you guys neutralizes the panda" I stated

"Aw, it's our love!" Miriam said "you're like a warm fuzzy blanket"

"Do you know what this means
Y/n? We can have our room back we can have our lives back."

"No, even better, you guys can come with us to 4☆town!" Miriam said

"This will be the only time we can see them together. We're all asking our parents tonight." Miram stated

"Are you in or are you out!?" Abby yelled

"But we can't ask our mom, we're a furry ticking time bomb." Mei exclaimed "of awesomeness, now you two can control it! So just prove it to her and she's gotta let you guys go!"

"Mei-mei n/n." Mom called "crap you guys better go." Mei pushed them to the window  "but-"

"No buts Mir." "Our mom already doesn't like you." I finished "wait she doesn't..." she had the most straight face ever it was hard to keep a straight face.

"We'll call you, I promise." Mei shut the curtains and turned around

"Everyrhing okay I thought I heard-"

"I think we made a break through."

A/n- this wasn't as bad as I thought I hope

Please vote and follow me, but seriously this is my third chapter I did today I'll do another tommorow

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