Chapter 12- Anties and Grandma

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A/n ... thank you all for the follows and votes. I just like to tell you that I'm grateful and I love you all. Back to the story

At the house

Me and Mei were about to head over to Tyler's house, I looked at Mei as she unfolded the Invitation and then folded it back up.

We walked passed mom and dad "we're heading to the Mathletes, bye!" Mei told them

"Wait! What about dinner? I made both of your guys favorites." Me and Mei looked at the (favorite food)  and my mouth was already watering.

I shaked my head "sorry miriams dad is uh... ordering pizza, save us leftovers." I dragged Mei along "what if I came with you guys." Me and Mei looked at eachother

"What are you doing? Liquor, geometry. I have double jointed elbow! I can make a perfect circle." She said

"Wow! But it'll be super boring, wouldn't you rather hang with dad?" Mei asked, we all looked at him him perking up

"I'll go get my flash cards!" She denied, dad looked down in sadness, I mouthed 'sorry'

We followed behind mom "I was the best at Mathletes, in grade 8 they used to call me the 'uncommon denominator'" She stated

"Wait jades palace is on tonight, can't miss that." I said

"Priya and Abby are bright enouph."

"You should stay and rest." Mei told her

She sighs "miriam... I mean she's a nice girl, but I think shes slowing you both down."

"Mom you really don't have to go." I stated

"Don't be silly were already on the way!" She answered "but we don't want you to!" Mei yelled

Mom looked at us furrowing her eyebrows before the gates started to get pushed open

Revealing our aunts... oh no were going to have to stay for like another 40 minutes

They all came up to me and Mei and took their glasses off. Them they were pulling on both of our faces blabbering

"Aunties, w-what are you doing here." I nervously said "for the ritual of course." One of them answered

"They lost weight!" Getting up in our faces "no, no they gained weight." She disagreed

"She looks like her mother."

"She looks like her father."

"Ladies." The women from behind says they all move away, revealing grandma

She came up to us saying some stuff and then leading us into the house

They sat us on the couch and stuffed our mouths "eat, you need strength for the ritual."

"What a surprise you all came so... early." Mom said "you need all the help you can get, Ming."

"So y/n, Mei you've been managing to keep the panda in?"

"Yep!" Mei answered

"Really..." one of the aunts scoffed

"Whats that lily." Mom asked "it's just hard to belive they can hold in such a beast."

"And if it's any like mings ohhh."

"Mei and y/n was the best to hold it in than all of us. They just thinks about my love for them helps keeping it inm"

"Mhm." Mei said before I yawned "keeping this in takes alot of energy we should get to sleep, right Mei." I said "yeah you're right goodnight everybody."

We ram into the bedroom and but pillows under the blanket. Mei opened the window and then I threw our shoes out.

We heard a knock, we both came back in me just 'casually' laying in my bed and Mei ''casually' standing infront of it

The door opened to be the grandma from earlier

"I found this." She held up a panda fur "strange for two girls that hadn't let her panda out."

"It's uhh not mine." Mei said and tried to grab it but she dodged it

"I know what you two are doing. I know what it feels like to try and keep the panda in. It's just the more you do it you cpuld be bound to it forever and the ritual will fail."

"Has that ever happend?" I asked "it cannot happen. Me and your mother was close once. The panda took that away. I don't wanna see that for you two."

She walked towards the door "you both are your mothers whole world, I know you'll do what's right."

And then she left


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