Chapter 11- Tyler Invitation

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Miriam's POV:

Me, y/n, Mei, Abby, and Priya were all sitting at the bleachers, instead of eating lunch, we were all making things for the red panda stuff.

Mei passed it to Priya, Priya passed it to Abby, Abby passed it to me, then I passed it to y/n.

"Check out number 12, he has delts for days." I joked "Forget that, I need lunch I'm starting to black out!" Abby exclaimed laying on the bleachers

"I think I'm getting my carpel tunnel." Priya said, doing something with her hands

Y/n POV:

I was thinking if miriam was even into girls.

My thoughts were cut off, Mei saying "no pain no gain, priya."

I started to count the money, "five, ten." I whispered to myself "girls calm down." Miram looking at me and Mei

"Yeah we're doing our best!" Abby said "it's not enough!" Mei and me Said In unison, making our ears and tail back.

"The concerts this Saturday, and were a hundred short." Mei exclaimed "I knew we should've charged extra for pictures, stupid, stupid, stupid," I said to myself.

Miriam scooted closer to me putting her hand on my shoulder "y/n relax, it's in the bag." I widened my eyes

"bu-" she cut me off "what's the point of the concert if you're to exhausted to enjoy it, now take a break and help me appreciate some boys."

She snached the money from my hands then put it in the bag, then turned me to face the basket ball court.

My ears and tail went away, but maybe I should tell her... okay I will I guess

"Miriam?" I got her attention "is everything alright." She asked "Yeah, I just wanted to let you know, that I'm not into boys..." I said whispering the last part

She stood there for a moment, "oh okay! Then I'll count the money and you can do whatever you want." She smiled to herself

"Are you a triangle? Cause you're acute!" Mei pointed to the person playing basket ball and  leaning onto me.

We all laughed "you guys are so weird.." We all looked down to under the bleachers and saw Tyler "hey!" Mei said annoyed "were you spying on us?" I asked

"I need to talk to you Lee's." He said "Forget it." I said sitting back onto the bleachers

"Fine! I just wonder If your mom knows that her precious y/n and mei-mei are flaunting the panda around school."

We all looked back at him, Mei went around to get to him I quickly followed.

"That's none of your business!" I shouted "take one more step and I'm telling her everything." He said holding out his phone "now put that thing away." He said

"What do you want!" Mei said frustratededly "I wanna throw a sick birthday party, an epic one!" He held out a paper invitation

I grabbed it out of his hand and read it, we looked back at the others, they all shrugged

"If you're there everyone will come, it's as simple as that."

"A party?" Mei asked

"I've done You a favor keeping my mouth shut, all um asking for is one back."

"We'll do it." Mei said "but it will coat you one.. no two hundred dollars."


We both ran to the others and huddled up "Are you guys serious, we can't trust him!" Miriam said "it's a trap." Abby reassured "it sounds like a boy-girl party, are we allowed to boy-girl party's?" Priya said

"It's two hundred dollars, that'll put us over the top, we will meet at Tyler's party and we'll do our thing then bounce easy peesy."

"What about your mom." Miriam asked me "Forget my mom, I'll be back before she even knows I'm gone." I reassured her

Me and Mei look at Tyler "Okay dork face were in." Mei said and then shook hands

Sorry everyone I was a little busy today without knowing I'll try to update tommorow atlease one or two times!

I love you all bye:D

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