Chapter 15- 4☆town

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There's a little angst but I'm not really good at writing it so sorry If it's bad.

Y/n POV:

Whenever I dragged Mei put of the temple, I had a bad feeling inside of me, I decided to shrug it off anyway.

When I almost got hit by something I changed into my panda form, which made me jump like far up.

After that we kept going and going until we reached the sky dome, I held onto Mei as we jumped down to the crowed,

Searching for the others I made us go to that direction, when we land pink smoke surrounded us.....

They all turned around "Mei? Y/n?."

"What are you doing here?" Miriam asked

"I couldn't do it... the panda is apart of me and you guys are to......" I confessed

"You threw us under the bus." Miriam said as she turned around

"I know and I'm sorry, I've been like obsessed with my moms approval my whole life, I couldn't lose that... but losing you feels even worse."

"Well, to bad, because you did." She said

I couldn't help but shed a tear then I was about to turn around, before I heard (favorite 4town member) Jr

She sighd in annoyance "(favorite 4-town member) Jr.?"

"She's been like taking care of him 24/7." After Miriam covered her mouth

"And singing him lollibyes every night!" Abby yelled before Miriam also covered her mouth

"No, no, I didn't, they're lying." She glared at them

"Here, I found him at tylers..." she handed him to me

"4-town forever?" I looked up

"4-town forever." She reassured I put my hands on both of her cheeks before putting my lips on hers.

I felt her face heating up as I sensed Mei and the others staring ..

'I shouldn't have done this right now' I thought

I pulled away, looked up slowly, whenever I let go of her face she fell...

I looked around to look at Mei they were all staring in silence, "ummm." It started to get like really awkward.

I went to Miriam to help her up, her hand was like burning, once she got up, Mei and the others screaming while hugging us both...

I opened my eyes "TYLER?" I yelled "you're a 4-townie?" Mei asked

"Um Tyler? Who's tyler?" He played a obvious fake voice.

"AHHH." We all ran up and hugged him.

"Your guys mom must've been so mad!" Miriam said

"What is she gonna do, GrOund mE?" We all laughed


"4-town!  4-town!  4-town!" Everyone was cheering

Me clapping hands with Abby

It's starting

We all hugged eachother

"Are you ready?! 5 4 3 2 1!"

It got to (favorite 4-town member) as I was shaking Miriam by her shoulders.

"Toronto! Who knows what's up?!"

"You want it."

"I want it."

"You want it"

"I want it."

"Give me 1 2 3 4, you wanted it, you went for it, and baby you got it."

We were all crying at this point

"I wanted it, I went for it and baby I got it."

"I did it on my o-o-o own did it on my o o o own

I crouched down so I could let Mei try to touch robairs hand, she climbed on my shoulders

A few seconds later I hear "MEI MEI Y/N!" that startled me, I tripped on my own foot

I looked up and saw what I think was mom...

"Where are you!?"

"Mom!" Mei yelled

Miriam rushed to be asking if I was alright a thousand times

We all ran away after that...

Until we got to my dad and the others "are you both ok?"

"We're fine, what happend to mom." I asked

"We have to do the ritual again." He said

"Why is she like that." I asked

"I said she was big!"

"Not that big." I said


Ming snached Mei and Y/N

"This isn't you!" Ming said

"This is us!" Y/n yelled as she bit mings hand

Time skip to the part where Ming is knocked out and on the floor sleeping.

Y/n pov:

Mom was not in the circle and asleep I quickly ran over to her and pulled her tail or... atleast tried to

Mei quickly joined

Out of no where grandma came before the aunts

They started to do the chant thing...

Before I heard beatboxing I already knew who it was but looked over at miriam

That happend for a while

"I never met nobody!" Me and meis eyes widened as we heard that

"Never met never met never met never met."


"You." *does the high note thingy.*

The blue started to get in the circle

After he was done singing we were all floating

I'm sorry it's so short and rushed I was a little busy today but I might be able to tommorow


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