Date? Part 1

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Alec's Pov:

I woke up this morning feeling a bit off, so I just decided I'll deal with it later since I had to get Ally ready for dance. As I was changing a heard a knock on the door. "Alec wake up you need to drive me to school" I heard Ally shout from behind the door, " Ya ya wait a minute I'm coming" I shouted back to her. ( 3 minutes later)
I went down stairs and saw Ally eating cereal for breakfast I just thought that's normal until I saw what cereal she was eating, "ALLY I TOLD YOU TO NOT EAT THAT CEREAL BEFORE DANCE IT BARLEY GIVES YOU ENERGY" I yelled at her. " OH SHUSH UO CEREAL IS CEREAL" she yelled right back, I didn't feel like arguing so I just gave her a banana to eat and we headed to the car. "Got everything?" I asked. " Ya I do." "Even your water bottle?" "Yes mom🙄" Ally said sarcastically. I then just started driving iching to get her out of the car with this attitude 😒.

( Time skip to a few
hours later, Alec just finished cleaning the house and what not)

- = mind
* = Text
" = talking if you didn't already know

I hear my phone buzz then pick it up and see that funneh texted me. I looked at the text and saw she asked if I wanted to go to the mall with her later, * Funneh: Hey Alec I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me later, gold kinda ditched me for prince today smh 😒 *, * Alec : Haha, sure why not I'm kinda bored anyway*






275 word not counting this:D

This is the end ( not of the story like though there's gonna be a part 2 ofc)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it and sorry it took a bit to make this update

Bye, and thanks again!

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