Flammable start

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Funnehs pov:

I woke up to the smell of smoke and a loud beeping, I rubbed my eyes and stretched while I was getting g out of bed. Then it hit me, GOLD WAS COOKING AGAIN. I run down stairs and see gold with a fire extinguisher trying to put out the stove ( which news flash, WAS IN FLAMES!) "GOLD WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I yell at her trying to help put out the fire. " OH GOOD MORNING FUNNEH" She yelled back while she turned off the fire alarm. " What on earth are you doing?!" I said. "I'm just cooking!" "COOKING! YOU DONT KNOW- Heehe I mean, you didn't half to!" " Oh nonsense funneh, you love my cooking." " yaaaa....I love it 😃." As she walks to get me a plate I sit down and try not think about how bad I'm gonna regret this. Oh jeez she's coming over with- IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE EGGS?! "Ok funneh, time to eat!" GOLD says with her "innocent" smile. Ughhhh why do I have to be so nice 😫. I take a bite, -CRUNCH- "OK GOLD WHAT THE-. MY TEETH" "Oh! Sorry funneh you need to eat slower you can break your teeth, even on lightly crisped food. Your teeth are so sensitive 😒." She says as she turns around and gets her phone. SENSITIVE!? IM SORRY YOUR FOOD IS DARKER THEN CHARCOAL, ALSO LIGHT CRISPY? Sheesh I really need to get her a cook book. I grab my phone and look at the time, 6:53. " Hey GOLD, we should get going" I say while I look at her. " OH! Ya your right we also need to meet with kyran later!" I nod and we get our bags and head out the door. Locking it behind us ofc!



I think I got my squedual set, I'll update ever Saturday so I have the weekdays for homework and to work on a few things. Anyways hope you enjoyed the long chapter. Bye!

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