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°~Some where some time in one the Evelyns houses (who knows how much she has) is holagins of 7 people. And a whole lot of food.~°

Ding Dong, the doorbell rang. That was about the 3rd time today. The first time was when Evelyn had to order some more ingrediants for the freindsgiving she was hosting, the second was her split dyed friends arival,  now she could only hope it was the rest of the guests.

Evelyn wiped her hands from flour as she walkes to the door, the bell rung once more irritating her a bit as she opened it quickly. Fortunatly for her she was met with 5 people, 2 woth red eyes, one with blue, another with gold and lastly one with grey. She smiled and she greeted them.

"Guys! Surprised you made it, your only what, 30 minutes late." She chuckled tauntingly ushering them inside. "We wouldve been some where on time if SOMEONE didnt take so long to pick us up." Kyran said glaring at Alec, those two could never go even 3 minutes without bickering can they. "Its not my fault that Aly took way to long getting ready." The red head placed down a titanium colored dish covered in tin foil on the dining table. His sister placing down flour and sugar which Evelyn could only asume she was going to bake something, maybe cookies.

Evelyns Pov:

"HEY, Im not the one who moved my bow. Dont blame me for your own actions." Aly countered crossing her arms over her chest in a huff. Everyone but Alec Laughed at the siblings banter. "Okay," Evan started clasping his hands together. "Lets get cooking before we end up eating at butt oh clock in the morning. (Throw back to Krews Thanksgiving vlog)" "Yes, I suppose thats a good idea." I start walking to my walk in pantry and come out with a stack of aprons "Me and Evan are on turkey duty," I start distributing the aprons around.

"Alec your doing Mash potatoes, Aly-" She inturupts me. "Im planing on baking, so ill help cooking when its in the oven." "Okay...then Gold..."

"NO! I umm, I mean....Gold would be to busy getting the dinning table set up and all pretty to even cook. Right guys!" "What? Funneh, what are you talking about? Ill have enough time to cook."

I look at Gold thrn at everyone else, they all shook their heads at me sutly, shes THAT bad. "Here Gold, how about you..." Whats easy that even a 10 year old could cook... "How about you make some mac and cheese, theres a recepi in one of my cabinets. If you follow that im sure everything could turn out fine." I smile at her, if we messes up we could always remake it, mac and cheese shouldnt take that long.

"Alright Evelyn, I promise this will be the most goowey mac and cheese ever!"

"We're all dead..." I hear Kyran mumble everyone else silently agreed with him. Gold was off into looking for the cook book that she didnt notice. "Dont worry guys, its mac and cheese. I mena how hard could it be." I reasure them, well try to at least. "How about we just start cooking?"

Alec sighs as he goes to grab some potatoes, everyone follows slowly follows after.


Thr sun was setting the food was almost done cooking. After Alys pastrey which was now know to be cupcakes which she was going to frost with buttercream pumkin spice frosting.

Evelyn went to check on the turkey, opening up the oven as the hot air smacked her in the face. She waved it away and stuck a thermometer in the turkey. "164°, perfect" she thought. As Evelyn ruened to grab the ovenmittins she was left frozen to the fight infront of her.

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