Accident {Evlec}

18 1 13

This has been sitting for a while, like aged wine. Anyways, I was thinking of making it longer but nahh



They all sat in the waiting room, the time seemed to go slower as they all waited anxiously. Though some where more worried then others. Alec paced back and forth around the white painted halls. His breathing was shallow as he occasionally wiped his eyes, the action turning the area slightly red.

His friends looked at him with  sympathy, though they knew that he needed to calm down. After they all silently talked to one another Aly stood up and walked over to her brother. "Alec?" She said quietly, her voice was laced with concern. He stopped pacing to turn to her. It would be an understatement to say he looked a mess. His hair was dishuvled, the eyebags that he worked hard to remove made a reaperance, dryed tears stained his cheeks. Alec was wearing one of Evans hoodies, it was too big on him but it brought a form of comfort.

"Look," Aly started as she locked eyes with his, she choose her words carfully. "I know that your  worried, we all are. But, you need to calm down." She put her hands on his shoulders. "Your scaring me." He looked at her and then look at his friends. His gaze setled on the ground, Aly sighed pulling him into a hug which he hesitantly accepted.

The sound of a door creaking open made rhem pull apart, the rest of the gang instantly standing when a blonde man with a long lab coat came out from behind it. "Is he okay?!" Alec was quick to ask, his voice cracking. "Your friend is okay." The doctor started, those words bringing reasurance to the group  "But..." The doctor started, the light feeling that they got quickly faded away. "His neuronal system in dysfunctioned, putting him a a state of unconsiouceness." Alecs chest tightened. He felt he was sofacating. "A coma..." Evelyn stated quietly, "Precisely." The doctor, Dr.Mirnerva as stated on his id agreed.

"When will he wake up?" Funneh stepped forward, dreed plastered on her face. "We dont know, the car crash he got in was servier. It may take months. Alec cleared his throat, the feeling of hum being chocked lessened. "Can- Can I see him?" He uttered. The doctor looked at him with sympathy, he seemed to relize how much Evan means to him. "Yes."

The doctor walked out of the waiting room, the rest of the gang following. Alec forced his tears down his hand having a tight clutch on Alys. Alec felt the stared of his friends dig holes in his head but ignored them. His main focus was on his boyfriend.

Once they reached the door Evan was staying in the doctor nodded at the group before leaving. The gang looked at the door then looked at Alec. "Do you want to go alone?" Gold asked what they where all thinking. Alec nodded which the group then backed up from the door, wanting to respect his privacy. The red-head took a deep breath as he opened the door, closing it behind him he looked at the bandaged person laying on the white hospital bed.

Alecs Pov:

I stared at my blue eyes lover as he layed with bandaged all around him. His face stayed uncovered by the bandages that wrapped around his head. I numbly walked over to him, my whole body shaking. This isnt real. Hes just asleep and is going to wake up soon, not in a month, not in a year, not- My thoughts trailed off as I saw a wet drop fall on Evans cheek, A shakey hand went up to my eyes as I aggressivly wipped the tears away. I put my hands to his cheeks, observing the relaxed expression on his face.

"You shouldve listened to me, if you didnt leave you wouldve never gotten hit my that fucking drunk driver. You wouldve been safe." More tears started to fall on his face. I used my sleeve to wipe them off. I took a shakey breath. "We couldve made something else for dinner, who cares if it was my favroite or not. I wouldve eaten brussle sprouts if it meant you woildve have to be laying here." My throat clogged up as I surpressed the urge to scream. I felt as if my heart shattered. It was just our 1 year dating aniversary. I know he wanted it to be special, I wanted it to be special. But it could be special without favorite foods, he didnt have to go to the grocery store just because we were missing one ingrediant. "I dont deserve you...I tried to tell you that that from the start, and you didnt listen. Look at where it got you!" I began to sob, my hot tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. I carefully staffed my face in his neck, his hosptial gown getting wet by my tears. I move to kiss him on the cheek before laying my head back down.

"Happy aniversary Evan. You big moron." I chocked on my tears, a strained sound coming out of my lips. I went to grab a chair before laying my head bsck on its spot on his shoulder, my hand finding its way to his. I took a deep breath relishing in the sound of his heart moniter, Hes alive. I keep telling myself. Hes okay.

3rd Person Pov:

The souns of the door clicking open didnt shake Alec the slightest. Aly slowly walked in the sight of her brother siting on a chair with his head on his lovers shoulder rubbing circles on the back of his hand physically hurt her. "Alec?" She said quietly, not wanting to disturb something. As she walked closer she noticed the redness under his eyes got worse, signalizing he had cried a lot more, that and the wetness of Evans shoulder and hoodie sleeves.

Alec hummed in response, still focusing on tracing circles on his boyfriends hand. "Its time for us to go." Alecs eyes widened st what she said. He shook his head, "No, im not leaving." She sighed knowing this was going to be difficult. "Alec, the doctors arnt alowing people to stay over night at the moment incase they need to do more opperations, and they are probably going to need to do more operations. Plus, your tired. Dont try to deny, we all know. Evan would want you to take care of yourself, and you cant do that if you dont allow your body the stuff it needs."

Alec looked like a goldfish with his kouth opening and closing, trying to find soemthing to counter act with, which he ultimatly didnt find and stood up with a sigh. Aly smiled happy that she got through his thick skull. As she went to leave sbe turned around just in time to see Alec lean down and kiss Evan on the lips, normally she would be disgusted. But seeinf their predicament she felt both happy and sad.

Aly opened the door for Alec in which he thanked her for, his voice was raspy. When the gang saw Alec come out they all got ready to leave. Gold to be the one driving took the keys from Evelyn as they all left, saying goodbye to the receptionist and thank you to the doctor on the way.  Once in the car, everyone was silent. Gold and Kyran sat in the front, Aly, and Alec sat in the middle, while Evelyn and Funneh sat at the back. No music played, thick silence filled the car with the occasional sound of cars driving buy.

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