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Dear diary March 15, 2021,  I've never thought that I would make it to this point in my life. Throughout my middle school years, I've believed I hit rock bottom and there was no way for me to get back to the top. Like there was a ladder in front of me, the higher I'm up the ladder the happier I am. I felt as if I could never get even one foot on that ladder until I met him. He was my push to get on that ladder. Ever since I met him my whole world changed, for the better too! I promised myself that I wouldn't burden him with my problems, I told it to his face. When he told me that the only way he wouldn't want to be a part of my problems is if I didn't have any problems to fix, I took it to heart. You may think that those words that came out of his mouth wouldn't have helped me in the slightest but I hate seeing him worried. If the only way for him to not be sad is for me to get my life situated so be it. I started going to bed earlier, started eating a better amount, and started working out, I even got a job at the local animal shelter. I did it all for him, but for myself too. I never realized how much my life could've changed if I took control of it. I now have more friends that I'm forever grateful for, they're the reasons my bucket list is being crossed off faster than I thought it would. I'm in my freshman year now, and I'm on top of that letter. All because of him, my love. He will forever be in my gratitude, because of him my life is how I want it to be. Sure, I have my ups and downs but everyone does sometimes. I know that now, and now I don't have to go through those icky feelings alone. This diary also helped me through my thoughts who knew writing down things could clear your head? Maybe after finishing this I'll reflect, reflect on my past days of being at the bottom of that ladder and see how far I've climbed. It would be nice to say I did this on my own but it would simply be unlogical. Everyone needs help at times, and it just so happened to be my turn.


Hey everyone, been quite a while hasn't it? How have you all been?

Anyway, this is a random story I made when my friend and I did a writing prompt thing. I wrote more of them so if you'd like to see them I might post them. Sorry for not posting whatsoever ever, These one-shots are kind of a lost cause now huh? Anywho I hope I do update some one shots cause I have 2 that I want to post

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