Rainy days

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No one's pov:

It was about 4 in the afternoon when funneh was walking home in the rain from the store ( being her stoopy self she forgot an umbrella). It was starting to rain harder and funneh knew she had to go home as fast as possible, 1. So the food doesn't get wet, and 2. So she doesn't get sick. She was about to start running when all of a sudden the rain that was falling above her stopped.

Funnehs pov:

It took me a bit to realize that water wasn't falling on my head when I looked behind me, I saw Alec staring at me and we made eye contact. " oh hey alec I didn't realize that was you" I said with a smile, he smiled back not talking and just staring at the rain. " Hey are you ok?" I ask him with concern in my voice " Huh oh ya, I'm fine. Why?" Alec replied with a smile " well idk probably because your looking into the rain like you over thinking or something." I chuckled a bit, "* LE GASP*  I swear if you and kyran got into another fight!?" Alec started laughing " no we didn't."he said still with a big smile on his face from laughing. We keep on making small talk for a bit until we reach my dorm.

Alecs pov:

We reached funnehs dorm, " Welp this is my stop! Thanks by the way!" She said with a smile looking at me, " Oh ya no problem!" I say back with a returning smile. Funneh starts to walk off but before she does I grab her wrist and do something I can't believe. " A- Alec what are you-" Funeh says before I cut her off by kissing her on the lips. I pull away and see her face is red. " See ya tomorrow blueberry!" I say with a smirk while walking away, " ELMO" I hear her scream in the distance, I can't help but start laughing.


Sorry for taking to long to update 😅.

Hope you like the little falec I put in here 😏!

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you have a good rest of you day/night/morning, it's currently 11:44 am where I am right now so like 👍.


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