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Funnehs Pov:

Me and Gold were walking down the hallway to our next class, like normal we were talking about random things.

"Then the girl took the lipstick out my hand and ran, LIKE WHO DOES THAT. I meant I totally deserved that new.......strawberry....chassed..." I tuned Gold out as I saw some people staring at me weirdly while whispering. What's going on? " then I grabbed her hair and pulled it until I left a nasty bald spot." Did something happend- wait. DID SHE JUST SAY THE RIPPED SOMEONES HAIR OUT BECAUSE OF THE LIPSTICK!?


"Funneh are you even listening to me, I'm talking about the girl that made me drop my psl and pizza the other day and still had the audacity to say something about my messy hair." She flipped her hair. "Ya ya, you and your drama." I say while chuckling. I guess I should just ignore it, it'll go away soon probably.

Oh boy was I wrong.

For the next week or so the whispering got worse. I decided to sit on a bench outside since it was break time.

"Hey Funneh!" I hear a familiar voice say from the distance.  I look up from my phone and see a mysterious looking red head looking over me.

"OH! Hey Alec!!" I say with a wide smile on my face while patting the spot beside me to signal him to sit down. " What's up?"

Alec looks at me his face switching from being joyful to being serious and some what worryful.

"Ummm.." He starts switching his gaze to the floor while playing with hit hoodie sleeve.  I've never seen him like this, it's cute.

"Have you noticed anything wierd going on with everyone the past week or so?" There's a slight pink spreading across his cheeks. Is her blushing?

"You mean the whispering? Ya, I have." "Why though?"

"Well do you know what their whispering about??"  Alec says looking up at me.

"No?" I say locking eyes with him.

"Do you....maybe want to know??" He says with his eyes gazing back to the floor as hit cheeks turn more a more dark shade of red. "I mean I guess?" I say with a little hesitation.

"Ok, it's about y- you." He says. "What?! What about me?!" I say in shock.

"Well it's not only about you it's about you and me.." He adds. I stay quite listening carefully as he continues. "People think we're dating."

"WHAT!!!" I'm in disbelief. I mean how would people even think that. WHAT would make them think that?! I felt my cheeks burn up.

"Ya, I don't know how they though of it though." He chuckles.

"Maybe I can give you that answer." A familiar voice says walking toward us holding there phone up to Alec.

"YOU DID IT?!" He yells grasping the phone from her hand.

Yandere just laughs in response.

"Wait what? But why? How?" I say looking up to her.

"Easy I took a picture of you guys hugging and wrote a story with it. People now a days belive in everything they see on the media." She says blankly. " Plus some red head needed pay back." She added looking at Alec. I giggle.

"Well mystery solved then." I say standing up and brushing my shorts off.

"Not exactly." Alec says a bit annoyed at yanderes little prank. "How do we end this." He looks at Yandere.

She thinks for a moment before talking again. "Here." She says typing on her phone.


I look at my phone and read yanderes post.

"False alarm? Really." Alec says tucking his phone back in his pockets.

Yandere just shrugged at his remark. " Anyway, gotta go take care of stuff. Bye funneh." She says as she walks off.

"Well this was surely interesting." I say laughing.

"You don't say." Alec replies laughing too. "Hey funneh, wanna go to the new icecream parlor with me?"

"Right now?"

"Well ya?"


"Okay then, let's go!" Alec said with a big smile as we walk off.

Nothings ever normal at YHS that's for sure.


Sorry for not updating for a week and them for not updating last week. I was gonna update on Sunday but I ended up working on a new book I made. I released the 1 chapter put now. It's an evlec ship book.

Anyway I'm gonna switch my update schedule again hehe.

Updates: Every 2 weeks on a Sunday.

I'm gonna try to upload this week on Sunday that won't change since this was supposed to be updated last week.

Wait but that doesn't match my schedule.


Anyway sorry for wasting your time :(.


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