Date? (Part 2)

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Alec Pov still:

I decided to start getting ready when I hear a ding on my phone once again, I look and see that Ally is gonna sleepover with her friends today. I just replied with a *👍* and go on with getting ready. After I take a shower it kinda cleared my head a bit, I still decided to ignore the feeling and went on with changing. ( he wore dark blue cargo jeans, and a black Atlanta hoodie ) I get a text from funneh if I was almost there and I told her that I'm just leaving the house at the moment and I'll be there soon. As I walk to the mall I feel as if I'm being stared by someone. I start walking a bit faster not wanting to talk to anyone right now until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and revise it was Even.

Evens Pov (tbh I don't like him very much 🙃):

I see Alec from a distance and try catching up to him, she starts walking fast then I start sprinting. I finally catch up to him and tap on his shoulder, " Hey dude, why did you suddenly start speed walking?" I ask him. " Why were you following me?" He answered in an annoyed tone as he walk forward more " I just wanted to say high 😒 "  I replied as I walked behind him, he doesn't reply and keeps walking.

( They reach the mall with a bit of awkwardness)


That's it for today sorry I was planning to write more but right now I'm really tired, I'll try to update tomorrow Thanks for reading anyway!

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