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The whole gang were curently hanging out at Funneh and Golds dorm.

Somehow Funneh managed to get Gold to play Super Smash Bros against her, Kyran was sitting on the couch next to Gold watching intesly and occasionally cheering her on, while funneh was sitting on the ground below them consitrating ob beat Golds character.

Alec stands up from where he was previously sitting next to Evan. "Im gonna go ger something to drink, dont beat her untul im back Funneh." He said chuckling at the end of his sentance. "Will do Alec!" Funneh responds glancing at him for not even a second until refocusing on the game.

"Ill come with you." Evan stood up, "You girls want anything? That includes you too Kyran."

"What- HEY! IM NOT A GIRL!!" Kyran yells having a voice crack at the end.

"Sure..." Funneh jumps in, "Anyway, ill have a sprite please!"

"But Funneh you stull have the green juice I made for beeakfast." Gold looked at her as Funneh put down ger controller forgeting about the game.

"Uhh well you see Gold, I um. Your drink is for the morning cause it gives you energy and its like 7pm right now, so I dont really need that energy...hehe." She scratched the back of her neck.

"Whatever, ill just have some water." Gold crossed her arms staring Funneh down.

"Alrighty, drinks are coming up!" Evan says as he walks to the kitchen grabbing Alecs arm in the process making him yelp. The others not paying any mind to them and focusing back at the tv.


Alec staets grabbing the cups whule Evan searches trhough the fridge. "Alec what whwre you planing on drinking?" Evan says walking over to him sprite bottle in hand.

Alec filled up 2 cups wirh water, one for Kyran and Gold while Evan filled Funnehs cup and his own cup with sprite.  Alec thought for a moment before answering, "is there lemonade in the fridge?" He asked looking up at Evan, who turned back towards the fridge and pulling out strawberry lemonade.

Evan examoned the bottle before giving it to Alec, making the red heads once thankful face turn compusled. While his lover just stared at him with his head slightly tilted to the side.

Alec shoke his head as he started filling up his cup. He felt a familiar gaze on his face, his cheeks went slightly pink and he could only hope that Evan wouldnt comment about it.

Unlucky for Alec, the taller boy did notice as he hid a sly grin staring at Alec until they both locked eyes.

Evan slowly moves closer to the boy keepong eyecontact until he's only a few inches away from his face. Alecs cface was a red as his hair by now.

Evan looked down at ruby eyes as he cupped his cheeks, Alecs heart was racing he felt as if he had just ran a marathon full speed.

"What-" The red head starts befote getting cut off, "Hold on theres something on your face." Evan said as he leaned down and kissed Alecs before he could register what eas going on Evan removed the electrifying sensation. "Its was me." He said before winking.

The shorter stood there in shock, his lips feeling tingly. Evan grabbed the drinks and walked back to the grouplraving Alec there alone.




"Put some chapstick on!!" Alec yelled towards the man with teal hair getting out of his trance. He heard a chocking sound coming from the living room making him smile, he grabbed the remaining cups and walk back just in time to see Funneh beat Gold.


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