Date pt.5

86 2 7

Hello! Ha, this is wierd my notes are usually at the end of the story.

Though I just wanted to say that this was rushed and sorry if you wanted it to be longer. I'm in the middle of writing another story or should I say script for one of my classes so I didn't really have time to write this.

(I also kinda didn't know what to write)



That was really old- I was writung that script in the begining of the middle of my school year or something like that.

Anyways ya enjoy, lets see if you can find the part where I continued:)


Evens pov:

We just finished checking out and now were looking for Alec, since he wasn't outside the store waiting.

"So where do you think he is?" Gold said. "Not sure but I think he is-" I start to say but get cut off.


We all turn around to see who said that in such a bored voice. Ofc it was the one and only, Alec whatever his last name is. Redstone? Eh, could care less.

"There you are! Why'd you disappear on us?" Funneh said walking up to him.

"Sorry, people were giving me looks. Got uncomfortable." Alec rubbed his neck. You could tell that he has a tint of pink on his cheeks. Well unless you Funneh that is.

"Oh, ya I can see that." She replied with the brightest smile ever. It both made my heart burn with jealousy and my checks burn with blush.

'Ring Ring'

"Sorry, I need to take this" Alec said looking at his phone. Geez does he ever put it on silent.

"Okay then! We will be at the food court, come join us when you done." Funneh said her smile fading away. 'I'm better for her then him.'

"Ya, okay then." Alec says then he walks away. I decide I should follow him. It's not a coincidence that every time he got a phone call he has to leave urgently. He could be hiding something. But what?

As Alec walked away I turned to the gang. "Hey I gotta go to the bathroom really quick, ill meet you guys there." I say flashing them one of my famous grins. "Alrighty, just dont take to long, Funneh might eat all the food." Gold responded laughing at her own words.

"What the- GOLD!! I would not eat all the food!!" She starts slapping Golds arm making both me and Kyran laugh.

"Bye Evan!" Kyran waves as we all part ways. "See ya!" I responded.


I followed Alec to an empty corner of the store, I hid behind the wall and some plants still in ear shot to hear his conversation.

"What now?" I hear Alec say, his voice was a lot more cold and empty than it usually is. The person on the other end was saying something but I didnt hear much due to the muffledness.

I tried to sneak a glace at Alecs face, he looked....scared?

The person kept talking while Alec listened, this seemed really serious...

I shifted my foot a bit when I felt myself start falling, Alec turned his head towards my movement and I imediantly went still as if im playing a game of red light green light.

Alec wearily turned around, his face was back to its common stone manor. I sighed in relief ad he didnt catch me, I decided I should hurry back to the others so they wouldnt get suspicious until I heard something that peaked my intrest.

"I got it, ill pick you up at 10pm tonight. And I wont forget the flowers."

What? Tonight? Flowers? Just what is Alec up to, it kinda sounds as if hes planning a date. Though that wouldnt make sense, doesnt he like Funneh?

I didnt stick around any longer than that, I walked off towards the food court. A lot of questions than answers in my thoughts.


Why'd it take me more than 2 months to write this-

Anyways putting aside my bad writing habits ive decided to use my little coversations area to write about my uploading, due to most of this book being A/Ns and thats just sad.

Ill try to write more but no promises, im slowly shifting out of loving the Falec ship and most of the series in general. No, im not gonna stop writing, though i may not feel like writing all the time I will still forvever love this series just not as much as I used to.

Ill write when I feel up to the challenge and there is a lot of things if like to write for Falec Stories but I just can really take my vision and put it into words, you know?

Anyways I do hope you read this and I hope that you have/had a great summer.

My summers about to end soon which means sports season so im not gonna be able to even think of writing for awhile ad I want to focus on my grades and my performance.

I appreciate each and everyone of you guys!

Dont forget to eat and drink some water

Alrighty goodnight🏃🏿‍♀️
Currently: 2:35am

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