Date pt.4

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Evans pov:

I was talking with the girls when I saw Mr Emo and the manga nerd walk up. Alec was looking at the ground while Kyran looked somewhat worried.....or confused? Either way it was wierd.

"OH! Hey guys, are you done?" Funneh said drifting her eyes away from the chips she was eyeing and towards Alec and kyran.

"Uhh, ya I guess so...." Kyran said while look at Alec.

"Is something wrong Alec?" Gold says getting closer to him.

"I'm fine. I'm gonna wait outside for you guys, I'm not getting anything anyway." He said still looking at the ground then turned around to walk off. That was until Kyran grabbed his arm.

" What's up with you, you've been distance since you came." He said.

I on the other hand was still confused. And also worried. 'What happened when they were alone?"

"Kyran let go." Alec said in a stern voice bringing Mr back from my thoughts.

" Not until you tell us what's wrong. Alec, you always did this ever since you were a kid. Just tell us what's wrong." Kyrans voice was getting more quiet and you could tell he was really worried.

" Kyran it's non of your business. Now, LET. ME. GO." Alec said, this time he looked at kyran straight in the eyes. His glare looked as if he could peirce through someone's heart. He was mad, furious even. That made kyran step back. Alec who also seemed surprised at his tone of voice looked straight back down to his feet.

" Alec..." I started to say.

"I...sorry." He said, his voice barley above a wisper. "I'll be outside..."






"What was that...?" Funneh said while we all formed a circle.

"Kyran what happened when you two were alone?" I said

"Well..." Kyran started. "Alec was barley talking like always but this time more quiet, I guess. Anyway, we heard the door alarm thing ring and then yandere came to  the aisle we were on. She went up to Alec and whispered something to him making him look as if he saw a ghost. Then she left as if nothing happened. I tried to talk to him about it but I didn't get very far as you can tell.."

" So yandere did this to him?" Gold asks putting her hand on her chin.

"I guess so." I replied.

"We should probably check out we don't want him waiting for a long time. Though it wouldn't be so bad seeing as if he probably need to cool off."



I am sorry that I haven't been updating, I think it's been like a month or almost a month since the last update.

I was thinking about making an evlec story since I'm a multishipper and I couldn't think about falec for a couple of weeks. (Screw my brain)

Anyway, I'm thinking of just making 'Date?' Into all I'm uploading here. Plus this is not what I was originally gonna do with this series. So I might just add something in to make the title match.

Byeeeeee, I'll try to update more!

(Give me ideas/ suggestions)

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