Date pt.3

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Funnehs pov ( Oooo a new one):

   Gold, Kyran and I were waiting for Alec and Evan to get here. Evan lives farther away from the mall so I guessed he would take the longest.

If you must know we were standing near the entry waiting for them. Kyran was reading a manga that cover looked.......well interesting. And gold was ofcource on her phone.

( Alec and Evan enter the Mall)

" FINALLY. You guys took forever!" I said while crossing my arms, " Haha sorry about that I had to clean my Sanica." Evan says while putting his hand on his neck. Alec just heads over to Kyran after giving me a quick smile.

Gold finally looking above her phone adds on to this conversation, " Sanica?"

" Ya it's my guitar!"

"No body names their instrument Dude." Alec says walking over to us after reading what Kyran was.

" Your just jealous."

" Yah sure, jealous of someone who gave a lame name to a lame instrument." Alec says while rolling his eyes.

" HA! You wish you had half of my talent." Even replies while sticking his tongue out and crossing his arms. " Also Sanica is the name of my favorite game character."  Both of them earning a chuckle from me and Gold.

" Um guys you should------"  Gold starts until getting cut off Kyran, " IM SO THRISTY! ITS BEEN LIKE 3 HOURS SINCE I LAST DRIBKED ANYTHING IS THIS THE SAHAHRA DESERT!"

" Jeez dude, calm down." I  say while shacking my head a giggling to how dramatic he is.


I look back at the others and see as Evan and Gold are trying not to burst into laughter, wich quite frankly I am too. As for when I look at Alec he isn't even smiling. Nor so I think he's even paying attention. " Alec?" I say as I get closer trying to get his attention back, the others look back at him too. " HUH! Oh, sorry. What were you talking about?" He said shaking his head trying to get out of.....thought?  Ya I think that's it. " We were gonna go get some bubble tea before we start." I said. " Ya ok then." He replies with a reassuring smile as if he's saying 'I'm fine'.

We start heading off while making small talk. " And then Tora was going to wake her up with----" "Kyran no one wants to hear about your stupid Mangas." Alec says cutting him off. Kyran just replies with a pout witch makes us all start laughing. " HEY! It's not funny!" He says making an even more pout, witch at this point I couldn't breath. I was about to say something with the air I have battled to get into my lungs when we walked upon the bubble tea shop.

" Shall we?" Evan says as I he's a knight. " We shall." Gold and I say in union eqrning a few chuckles from the guys. When we walk in its a bit less crowded then I remember, but whatever, less people the better?

We walk up to the Lady that runs the counter.

( Not me forgetting her name ;-;)

" Hi there! Can we please have 2 honeydew, 1 coconut, 1 berry, and 1  strawberry Bobby tea. 'For someone basic.'" Evan says whispering under his breath. Alec giving him a death stare.

" Coming up!" The counter lady says walking back to I'm guessing make our drinks.

Even turns around as Alec is still staring at him. " Strawberry, really?" He says lifting a eyebrow. " Who the biscuit likes coconut alone?" Alec says staring dead at him. " Biscuit? Since when did YOU start saying that?" Kyran says chuckling a bit. " Shut up, Ally gave me a penalty for swearing." Alec says punching Kyran lightly in the shoulder. But of course Kyran being Kyran took it to an extrem and held his shoulder tight as if her was bleeding out.

" OW! HOW XOULD YOH ALEC! This is abuse people!! You hear me? ABUSE!!!" Kyran says. Doing that everyone looks over at us. Kyran and Alex tuen red as Alex pulls his hood over his head to hide is second hand embarrassment. This leads to me Gold and Evan laughing out buts off. " 'You guys suck....' " I hear Alec say under his breath as I punch him in the shoulder laughing harder.

" Excuse me loud bunch your Boba teas are all ready. Now, pay up!" The lady says with a that 'innocent' smile of hers. Evan decides to pay for everyone.

Alecs pov:

The feeling of me forgetting something came back Once we walked out the store. The others were talking about something that I didn't really understand, something about Felica and ice-cream? My thought got interrupted by funneh. " So where to guys?" She asked stoping in her tracks, the rest of us doing the same." Hmmm I say we go look for clothes." Gold suggested. " You already have enough clothes." Funneh says while tolling her eyes earning a few chuckles from Kyran and Evan. "You could never have enough clothes funneh." Gold says trying to make a point. Just then I see two simular people from the corner of my eye, then it hit me. I FORGOT TO DO WHAT YANDERE ASKED ME TO. I quickly grabbed funnehs hand and blurted out, " Hey let's go into this store it looks interesting." I say nervously heading to the nearest store. " JEEZ SLOW DOWN." Funneh says finding the rhythm of how I'm running, the rest rushing behind.

Once we enter the store I watched as Yandere and what looks to be Celeast walk farther away out of eyes reach. Doing that I let out a relevied sigh and turned around, doing that I turned around to see the gang stare at me, well not Kyran he was looking around the the Mangas seeing as the closest store to us HAD to be a manga store. I looked back at the others to see there disapproval faces.

Funneh starts first, " And that was about?"

"Ya man you started rushing out of no where, to go to a manga store? When did YOU of all people start to like manga?" Evan says the starts again. " Or where you hiding from someone? Maybe...a girl???" He says with a smug look on his face.

"Fat chance, plus I just thought that Kyran would like new Mangas" I said, plus the only person I like is funneh. " Ya whatever Alec, that was still suspicious." Gold replies " Plus you guys never get along." You says pointing at me.

" Haha...that doesn't mean I totally hate his guts."

" You litteraly told me you were gonna kill my minecraft dog yesterday just cause I asked you a question." Kyran says walking over to us with a bag in his hand which I only assumed had some books in it. " Whatever" I said rolling my eyes. "Hye guys! A new store opened wanna go there?" Gold starts with a sparkle in her eye. " Sure why not!" Kyran said smiling.

( Few minutes later, their at the store)

Kyrans pov:

Me and Alec were in the same idle while the others where on there own. Though I wish I was with Gold instead of Mr Emo. " OW" I said as somthing fell on my head. Alec just started laughing at me. "You have no dignity." I said rolling my eyes. The bell to the store door ringed signaling that somebody came in. The person walked up to me and alecs isle and then walked up to Alec. I looked behind me and realized it was yandere. Her and Alec were making eye contact though Alec looked a bit...scared? Or anxious. Either one. I don't know why though it was just yandere. She whispered somthing to Alec wich made him look even more paranoid. She looked back at me and just smile and waved then walked away. I was still staring at her when I looked at Alec and he was looking at the ground.

" Are you ok? What did she tell you?" I said walking up to him, yandere always gave me this wierd vibe but I didn't know she could make Alec react like that.

" I'm fine. Let's go find the others." He says not looking up at me and then walking away. I just followed him.


Hello! Everyone I know I said I had writers block. But well I couldn't sleep so I just sat there in my mind for a bit and BOOM. Ideas came. Some of these ideas came this morning when I didn't feel like getting out of bed.

So we'll I hope you enjoy with chapter that is longer then normal. Also I was gonna leave you all on a big cliff hanger but eh.

Anyways BYE!!!

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