Noise <Evlec>

23 1 6

Not very proud of this one but like I really like it, yk?

Also this story along with most of thr evlec shots are from my evlec oneshot book that is in drafts

So no, i didnt write over night. Though that would be cool

Anyways, enjoy<3


"Im sorry. Im sorry, Im sorry, Im sorry, Im-" He repeated over and over again.

"Alec!" The taller boy cut him off moving his hands to the shorters cheeks. "Its not your fault." He stared him in the eyes, blue meeting red.

Those words, such a simple sentance yet it made Alecs heart race he felt some heavyness leave his body.

Evan stared at Alec with a serious yet gentle look, the red head stared at him inspecting his eyes for any hint of lieing. To no avail, Alec stared at his lover. He felt pressure behind his eyes. Alec leaned into Evans hands as he let his tears go, thick hot tears streamed down his freckled cheeks.

Evan pulled Alec into a tight embrace, Alecs forhead resting on Evans broad shoulders.

Sobs started to fill the room, Evan rubbed Alecs back trying to calm him down.

"I- *hic* Im sso sorry. *hic*" The red head managed to get out between tears, the taste of salt filled his mouth.

"Its not your fault Alec, your okay. You have nothing to be sorry for." The cyan tiped haired boy said, while placing a kiss on his significant others temple.

Alec clung to Evan as if he was on the verge of dissapearence. "No, you were so exited to go-and-and I ruined your time..." He stuffed his head deaper into Evans shoulder.

"No Alec, you didnt ruin anything. The only reason I was exited to go to this party is because it wouldve been the first party we went to together as dates. Though you know, secretly." He chuckles lighty. "But back to what I was saying! If you dont enjoy it then I dont want to do it. Id rather see that smile I adore than be at a lame party with smelly sweaty teenagers anyway." Evan smiled, though Alec couldnt see it he heard it in his words.

Alec stayed silent crying onto his lovers shoulder as Evan comforted him. They stayed like that for a bit as Alecs sobs reduced to hics and sniffles.

A knock was heard from the door, before the couple could protest a quiet squeek followed the knock revealing 2 bluenettes and one brunette.

The door opened fully as they walked inside the room, closing the door behind them. Alec was not facing them wiping his tears aggresivly. Evan put his arm around the redheads shoulders, trying to calm him down.

"Hey." Funneh started, "We wanted to give you two space but we felt it was our fault on this. Well mostly Golds, but still." "Hey! Ugh, but shes right. Im sorry I misleaded you guys on how much people would be here. I just didnt want Alec and Kyran to miss a opportunity like this again." She looked at the ground guilt flooding in her words.

"Your right." Evan started, his voice serious making the brunette look up. "You shouldnt have done that, we all know that Alec doesnt like crowded areas esspecially if they are loud." Gold nodded her head sheepishly, her cheeks were red of embarrasment. "I know, Im sor-" She was cut off.

"I forgive you." A raspy voice ssid quietly. Everyone looked at the owner of the voice. "I mean, you didnt want me to miss out on stuff a lot of people our age are doing. And sure, you took the wrong way on how to do it, you went through all this trouble just so me and Kyran didnt regret not doing somethjng later on. You just didnt have in mind that maybe one of us wouldnt bring ear plugs." The redhead walked up to Gold and pulled her into a hug. "You made a mistake, but you came to apoligize and own up to it. So its okay, I forgive you."

Gold hesitantly hugged Alec back. "Your a good friend Alec." She said quietly as they pulled apart. He smiled at her and went back to Evan who reached forward to hold his hand. "Now that thats over, can we please crash at someones dorm and watch a movie or something." Kyran said as the music sounded louder. "Yes! After party at Gold and I's dorm!!" Funneh exclaimed running out of the room 'whooping'.


Was originally gonna post this next week, but oh well :)

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