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Funnehs Pov:

Me, Gold, and Kyran were hanging out in gold and I's dorm. " Hey Gold can you get more snacks?" I say to her while I'm in the middle of beating kyran in Supersmash Bros. "Ya sure!" "AGHHHH" Kyran yells as I beat his character. "YESSS I WON ONCE AGAIN!! Jeez kyran your really bad at this game" I say with giggle. "THATS NOT FAIR, YOU LIKE PLAY THIS GAME 24/7 AND-" Kyran gets cut off by a knock on the door."I'll get it!!" Gold says.

Golds pov:

I go to open the door and see Alec standing there anxiously. "OH hi Alec! What's wrong?" "HAVEYOUSEENALLY?!" "Whoah whoah woah, slow down Alec, what happened?" I said letting him in."oh, Hey alec!!" Funneh says waving at him with a big goofy smile wich fades once she looks at his face.

"What's up with you?" Kyran asked. Alecs eyes were roaming around the room. "Did Ally come over to you guys is dorm tonight?" "No, why?" Funneh responded getting up. Alecs eyes widened as he got up and quickly headed toward the door, then got stopped by kyran grabbing his arm. "What happend with Ally Alec?" Kyrans voice was stern I have never heard his voice like that before, I felt my checks turn slightly pink. "Me and Ally had a....disagreement, and let's just say she stormed out the house and now I can't find her."

"ALLYS MISSING" I yell taken everyone by shook, even myself. "YES, AND IM TRYING TO FIND HER." Alec yelled back, his voice sounded as if he wanted to cry. Kyran let go of his arm and Alec ran out the door going to find Ally. The 3 of us on the otherhand were right on his trail.


We all split into teams. Kyran ran after Alec while me and Gold went to go check town square. "Hey funneh, you see that girl over there with the light red bow on her head?" Gold said pointing at a girl with black hair and a bow sitting on a bench. "Ya? Why?" I say in return. "Isn't that Allys bow?" "Gold anyone can wear that bow, not just Ally." "Well it wouldn't hurt to check funneh!"


"Fine." I walk over to the girl. "Aly?!" She jumps at response not realizing me and Gold were standing in from of her. "Funneh?! Gold?!" She says standing up and wiping her tears.

"Ya it's us." I say with a slight giggle.

"Okay, I just texted the others that your here Aly, Alec and Kyran are gonna be on there way."Gold said with a smile on her face."their not that far surprisingly."

Aly's face looked worried. "What wrong." I say with concern in my voice looking at her. "He's probably mad at me.." "Who Alec?" "Well ya, I yelled at him and ran out of the house, not turning back and listening to him yelling my name. He probably hates me." "Aly, Alec doesn't hate you, I know that for a fact. He would do anything for you. (Lowkey wish he was my brother, minus the working for yandere part.) He cares about you a lot." I say and put my hand on her shoulder for reinsurance making her calm down a bit. Like on quew (Not me forgetting how to spell) Alec and Kyran came running towards us.

"ALY!!!" Alec yelled while Goering to hug her, Aly hugging back on coarse. Geez, they looked adorable.

"Your such an idiot you know, don't scare me like that ever again." Alecs voice was comforting nothing like his 'bad boy' cover up voice, the though made me blush a bit.

"Sorry, I won't do it again. Unless you make that disgusting Mac and cheese again." Aly said making everyone minus Alec chuckle. "I'll have you know that the Mac and cheese would have been better if someone actually picked the right cheese for it." "The cheese wasn't the problem doofus, it was to watery." "Ya ya whatever, you don't like your water cheese and pasta. Your a picky eater." Alec said letting go of there hug. "I AM NOT A PICKY EATER. I just have a specific tast in things." Alec rolled his eyes to alys childish behavior.

"Thats litteraly what being a picky eater is Aly." Gold says with a laugh, making kyran blush at wich I winked at him. I'll just say he wasn't in the mood for my jokes hehe.

I can't help but think, what did they fight about??







Well hello.

Originally I was gonna make Aly get hit by a car but that would be to cliché.  Anyway I don't even know if it's Ally or Aly, but I'm pretty sure it's Aly, right??

Sorry I'm a day late. I kept coming back to this but with no actual though on what I was doing not that much got writen.


(Now that I think about it, that ending was also unoriginal, huh.)


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