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Funneh and Alec sat together on the couch in Funneh and Golds dorm. The air was thick as the silence between them grew longer, Funneh decided to speak first wanting to end the excrutiating awkwardness. "Alec what were-" the redhead cut her off before she could finish. "Funneh, I came to apologize." He stated, despite his voice being firm his hands where shaking. "Apologize for what?" She asked, the bluennete's stomach twisted as she started to get nervous.

"Everything, how i've been acting.I didnt notice at first but Kyran came and-" She cut him off. "Alec, whatever Kyran said dont listen to him. You havent done anything bad." His eyes widened. "Funneh, please let me finnish. Kyran was right."

Funnehs Pov:

'Im sorry? Did he just say Kyran was right?' I was baffled, Alec would never and I mean NEVER admit to Kyran ever being right. Okay, lets calm down Funneh, Alec said he needs to talk about something serious, and I still dont know what hes apologizing for. Okay, shut yout lips.

Back to 3rd person:

Funneh nods to him indicating that she wont cut him off anymore. He sighed before continuing. "I noticed that ive been really rude. Not in a being mean way! Just by being absent. I leave a lot because of phone calls even if we are in the middle of something important." He sighed again, his head dropping. "Alec its-" "No Funneh, its not okay. Last Christmas the present you gave me, the tickets. I really appreciated that. And I invited you to come with me, not just because I didnt get you anything but I wanted you to have fun aswell. And I wanted you to have that fun with me..." His voice got quiet, Funneh looked at him to see his cheeks heating up. Hers were aswell as she tried to process what Alec had said. "The point is, it wasnt cool of me to just end up leaving in the middle of the concert. I shouldve done better. Im sorry." Their eyes met, the reds were full of guilt while the blues were filled with something unreadable. Funneh had so many emotions right now that it was almost unbearable. She decided to stick with one. "But, do you like me?" Her voice was soft, she picked at her nails as anxiety rushed through her. "What?" Alecs eyes widened, 'She still cares about that?' He thought. "I asked if you liked me too." "Funneh I-" "No lieing Alec. Tell me the truth, if you want to be better and maybe have a retry of that date try again." 'Date?! What am I think?! Alec never said it was a date, stop talking Funneh!' He stared at her for a while before answering. "I do, I like you a lot Funneh. But you dont understand, I dont deserve you. You deserve someone better then me. Someone who wont leave in the middle of you guys hanging out." His voice raised but Funneh did not hear him. She was to busy thinking about the fact that Alec does like her. He likes her back. "I love you." She blurted out. She didnt think that much about saying it or not but its to late to back out now. Alec stopped talking, he stared at her in disbelief. "Did you not hear anything I said?" He was quiet, still in shock of what she said. His face was quickly becoming hot. "I did. And I dont care." She stated simply, "Alec I love you, and I want to be in a relationship with you. One more then friends, I know what you said and I forgive you. You had your reasons and you said you shouldve done better. So do better, be the best boyfriend I could ask for." Funnehs cheeks where also a bright red but that did not affect her tone of voice. She didnt waver the slightest, which is unusual. They locked eyecontact. "You dont want this." Alec averted his gaze, his voice was once again quiet. "I do." Funneh put her hand on his, she smiled when he looked back at her. "Are you sure?" "Ofcourse I am." They smiled at eachother lovingly before intertwining in a hug. "I love you rasberry." "Its blue rasberry to you sir, and I love you also. You inferior cherry." The laughed while pulling apart from there hug. "I won't leave anymore." Alec said looking lovingly into her blue eyes. "Promise?" Funneh asked, "Promise." He replied firmly. They both leaned in cieling the promise off with a kiss.

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