Chapter 12 (Part 1)

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"When you said we were going to a hotel, I sure the hell was not expecting this..." I scoffed, looking ahead at the beautiful water glistening in the moonlight from the balcony in our hotel room. I was grateful for it though, just means I can finally catch up on my journal entries. The view of the stars and the smell of the cold air is the perfect setting for me to do some deep self reflection.

On the whole way here, surprisingly, Tommy made me wear a blind fold so that I wouldn't be able to see where we were going. He said something about wanting me to be "mind blown" by one of his favorite spots. Well, it was definitely the word for how gorgeous this place is.

The room itself was huge. Had a modern feel to it, but the base color of the room was a bright white. Making the vibe of the place feel pure and airy. It also had a huge flat screen tv, bigger than what it really needed to be, and what I can afford, with a living room area, full kitchen, a bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, and a huge king sized bed.

That itself was still an awkward subject to think about, being that we'd be sleeping in the same bed. I'm low key worried, being that I've never been in a position to be in a bed with a man. Shit, a man I want at that.

"You thought I was gonna take you to a basic ass hotel?" He asked rhetorically, laughing while unpacking his bag by the bed. My back was still facing him, but I could picture his smile and laugh, just because it's been one of my favorite things to hear to see lately.

"I don't know, but I definitely wasn't expecting all this." I laughed, they turing to face him while making my way to sit on the edge of the bed.

I sat quietly, watching him calmly organize his things, when I see him pull out a big ass bag of weed, some backwoods and snacks. This nigga has got to be kidding me. At least the snacks look good though cause damn I'm fucking hungry.

I let out a loud ass laugh and damn near fell off the bed because how the hell did he get that shit past security?

"What? I gotta have my weed, mami. You just don't know." He laughed, zipping up his bag and placing it under the bed. He grabs the stuff and makes his way to the living room area, placing the items on the big coffee table in front of the grey loveseat.

"It's like that? It must taste good or sum cause I just don't understand." I shrugged. Due to my illness, I've never tried it or even thought about doing drugs because I didn't want anything to stop my chances of expanding my lifespan. Rosie and Justine tried to get me to smoke with them plenty of times, but I always decline.

"Well we're finna change that." He grabbed a bag of chips nearby the other snacks he brought and motioned for me to come over to him, who was now sitting on the loveseat. He now just had taken his jacket off and threw it over towards the other couch near the tv. His arms were rested on the arm rests, head thrown back looking over at me, squinting slightly.

I hesitated before slowly making my way over to him. When I finally was in reach, he grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him, placing me on his left knee. My legs almost closed upon impact, because damn! When did this man become so touchy? Not that I'm complaining....

I looked back at him over my shoulder to see him smirking at me, looking at me with hooded eyes.

Holy shit.

Stay calm....

Please stay calm.

"Here. Open those." He sat up, handed me a bag of chips. I looked over at him for about 5 seconds, confused as to why he wants me to eat chips. Hmm...these must be good.

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