Chapter 3

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"Okay, Mami"

The way he said my name had my head spinning and pussy oozing. He just stared back at me with this...this...look!

My breathing slowly became uneasy and when I went to stand embarrassing as it is, I passed out.

"I think it was the heat. She hates it when it's too hot"

"She lives in California dumbass!"

"Maybe she was just tired?"


"Really Sofia?"

The voices of the Gutierrez family filled my ears and went straight to my head, causing a headache. I groaned at the unwanted sensation that filled my head. Slowing easing my self in a sitting position on the plush sofa.

"Oh my god, don't ever scare me like that again, Amavii Lucinda Kaiya Harrison!" Rosie scream next to me as she roughly pulled me into a so called hug.

I smacked my teeth, pulling back from her hug and open my eyes to glance over at her. "Really? The government?" She rolled her eyes and began to place her hand all on my face to see if I had a fever.

"Yes, mamita. We were worried about you. Do you normally just fall out and faint like that?" Mamá asked, standing over me with Papá besides her, as well as the rest of the family. But I didn't see Diablo, or Loko. Which was slightly disappointing.

I looked over at Rosie and she shared the same questionable gaze as I did.



Rosie and I scream at the same time. Clearly I said no and that should be her answer. when I give her the look, she looks a at her mom and begins to fix her shit.

"I mean yes, b-because she faints when I walk I the room of course!" An smiled at her attempt, key word attempt, of easing the suspense in the air. Mamá didn't look convinced at all.

Rosie looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up. "Did that sound convincing?"

I couldn't help but stare at how dumb this bitch really is. Did she really just ask me that like there aren't other people in the fucking room?!I

"Rosie..." I whispered with my face close to her so only she could here me

"Que?". She asked while looking at me in the eyes with anticipation.

"shut the fuck up, okay?" I smiled at her while patting her cheek, earning a small shove on my shoulder.

"Girls!" Mamá yelled, our bickering instantly coming to a halt. We looked up at her and muttered a quick sorry, making me feel like a disobedient child.

"She started it..." Rosie muttered. A chuckle escaped my lips at how childish she sounds.

"Dios mio..." Mamá mutters before walking out of the living room with Papá.

The rest of the family engage in small talk while I rush up stairs to my room.

I grab my copper water bottle from the night stand and grab my FA-8 vitamins. I take two out the bottle and hurriedly take them. It's been about 2 days since I've taken my last vitamin which is pretty dangerous considering my condition.

My door opens and slams behind me, causing me to spill water all over my face and shirt. Bitch! I whip around and see Rosie standing at the door with a huge mug in her face, staring at me.

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