Chapter 5

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"I'm not going in there dressed like this, I look like a damn hoe!" I yell as we stand out side the club in something the Gutierrez women are referring to as clothes.

"Mami, stop overreacting. You look edible!" Malú cheers as she does a little dance. I couldn't help but chuckle at her foolishness.

"Yes, mamita! You look like chocolate!" Marie hypes as Rosie, Perra, Stassie and Tina agree.

"You sure? I don't want to look like a hoe." I laugh while looking down at my outfit. It's was mostly lace while my faux locs were pushed to one side of my shoulder which was held with two clips that said "Bad" and "Bitch".

"Yes now lets go!" Rosie pulls me inside the club. Immediately, I was hit with the smell of alcohol and weed. The club was huge and strippers and bottle girls were everywhere. Now I'm not the least dressed...

I followed the girls to a section where I seen the boys vibing, strippers shaking ass around them as they throw money on their ass. I seen Diablo sitting in the section with his calm exterior in motion. There was this beautiful girl sitting in his lap, rubbing along his chest as his looked anywhere but her.

When we neared the section, I reverted my gaze from them and to everyone but them. I seen Dave tell the girls to leave, in which they did and we sat down in the booth.

"Y'all looking good tonight." Dave complimented. We all thanked him, but when I turned to look at Stassie, I seen her blushing hard. I giggled to myself and glanced over at Diablo.

I was met with his harsh stare. It was so intense that I began to shift slightly, growing nervous.

"Hey Lisa, this is Stassie," Rosie pointed at Stassie who gave Lisa a smile, which she returned. "And this is Amavii." I turned to smile at her, but she just looked me up and down and scoffed. I followed her gaze and looked over myself.

"Your outfit is very...basura." I looked at her then the others. Rosie rolled her eyes then the twins scoffed.

I just looked back at her, not knowing what she said.

"Oh I forgot, you aren't like us. What I said negrita, is that your outfit is a bit trashy." She laughed and leaned back into Diablo.

"Chill out with all that." He said as he pushed her off his lap.

"What? I know you aren't sticking up for this black bitch." Diablo glared at her at what she said.

I looked at everyone and seen they were looking at me to see how I'd react. I just sat there looking at the bitch. In my perfect world, I would get up and hit this bitch, but I'm going to carry myself better than that.

I simply picked up a glass of water and took a sip while keeping my gaze trained on the bitch.

"Looks like this black bitch has you bothered." I giggled and crossed my legs. Rosie and the group started laughing and I just shrugged.

"Bitch I'm not talking to you!" She stood up from her spot in the booth. I looked up at her and giggled.

"You aren't? Considering I'm the only black bitch here, I'd assume your one sided anger would be directed at me. Anyways, enough of this unnecessary conversation, who wants to dance?" I stood up from my spot and pushed my boobs up, just to irk her. I made eye contact briefly with Diablo and I found him biting his lip while looking at my chest.

"I'm down." I hear Rosie say as she and the rest of the girls, along with Annuel and David, stood up and made their way out of the booth.

Before following after them, I turned towards the bitch and Diablo, who I just caught staring at my ass. Typical.

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