Chapter 4

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The brightness of the early morning Tijuana sun caused me to wake up. I stirred on the silk sheets and gently sat up in bed. I stretched my arms out and grabbed my phone from the night stand to see that it was 9:34 am.

Pulling the covers back, I climbed out of bed and headed into the walk in closet connected to the guest room. Weirdly, there was already clothes in my size set up from stores like pretty little thing, fashion nova, and other online boutiques. I figured it was Rosie's doing so I didn't make a big deal of it. But one day I will ask her why she insists on buying me things like this.

I proceeded to pick out a cute, but comfortable outfit for the day. The whole family was going out for the day sight seeing and showing me and Stassie what Tijuana is like.

Being that we'd be taking pictures and most likely walking around, I settled on wearing a thin black floral romper with a matching black underwear set and my low top old skool vans.

After getting dressed I headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth and proceed with doing daily skin care. I knew it would be humid today so I just settled on applying light makeup: I made sure to outline my lips the go over them with a brown nude lipstick somewhat the same as my skin tone, then went over it with lip gloss. I applied some Fenty highlight In all the right places then added some light mascara.

Exiting the bathroom, I applied some tease perfume from Victoria's Secret. My favorite of all time! I picked up my vitamins and took out a pill before swallowing it whole.

Undoing my top knot, I let my thick faux locks out and pulled half of it back in a ponytail while leaving the other half out with a side part. Looking over myself in the mirror, I nodded at my apperence and grabbed my journal, phone, canon camera, and satchel before heading downstairs to greet the family.

When I reached the living room, I seen everyone dressed and ready to go, chilling and conversations. I seen Rosie and Stassie talking to Tasha and LuLu, so I went over to make my presence known.

"Hey Mami, how did you sleep mija?" Tasha smiled while nodding at my outfit. I smiled back at her and gave her a quick hug.

"Uhh, good. I've slept worse." I cringe, remembering me sneaking in Diablo's room on accident and him being extremely rude. I quickly shake the thought from my head and gave her a tight lipped smile.

"Good to hear. We were just talking about shopping for Rosie's birthday later, would you like to join us?" She smiled. Her smile was so goregous it made me feel like a light was shining down on me and her prefect pearly whites were the embodiment of heaven. Talk about drop dead goregous.

"I'd love to. Is it going to be all of us girls?" I looked around, motioning to the other Gutierrez women in the living room. Rosie nodded and took a swig of her orange juice.

"I'm not wearing a dress by the way Rosario. However, if you ladies need help putting them on, or taking them off," Lulu looked from me to Stassie. "I'd be happy to, muñecas." Rosie scoffed and Stassie and I laugh.

"To bad, my friends aren't gay, Lulu!" Rosie exclaimed while sticking out her tongue. Lulu stuck out her tongue and stormed off. I chuckled at their immaturity.

I never said that. Especially now that I know Rosie got some fine cousins like LuLu.

"Well we should start heading out...where's Diablo?" Tasha looked at Rosie for an answer.

"With the gang." Was all she said and Tasha nodded her head.

I notice the family start heading out of the door. I looked over slowly and seen Mamá motion for us to head out of the house. When we reach the outside, I notice men standing around the perimeter of the mansion still as statues as if they were ready for some sort of battle. In front of us are 4 SUV trucks with drivers waiting for us to get in.

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