Chapter 1

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"Now, our deal of the day is 50% off all clothing, excluding clearance. If they are card holders, they get the 50% off plus the addition 10% for being a Old Navy card holder. If they choose to open a card toady, the can cut the line and get an additional 20% off with the 50%. Uhh...fleece pajamas are $10 and if they ask, no we don't have any more matchy pajama sets. Go it?" My manager rambles. I just nod my head and grab a walkie.

"Great! I need you in kids and babies today, just making sure everything is in order and your going to be 1st backup at cashier one." She stated and again, I nod.

She sent me a sent me a forced smile, then headed out her office. ugh I hate it here!

I head out of the back room and over to the kids and babies section which was in the back of the store. It was hard to even move around because everyone and their baby momma was in old navy cause of black friday. Meaning lots of deals.

Starting with the tables, I resized and folded all the denim then moved onto the baby and toddler girls shirts.

As I'm folding, I hear a small voice behind me along with small footsteps.

"Excuse me..." The small voice said. I turned around and seen a cute little girl with blonde hair holding onto her shirt extra tight with tears swimming in her eyes.

"what's wrong babygirl?" I pulled my braids back into a ponytail before crouching down to her level. She looked so scared and shy.

"I can't find my mommy..." She cried. I pulled her close and rubbed her back, attempting to calm her down.

"Its okay, I'll help you find her" I paused. Reaching for my walkie, I grabbed it and pressed the button that allows you to communicate.

"I have a little girl here who's lost her mother's and she's ver-"

"OH MY GOD! EMMA!" I heard a lady yell and large footsteps sound as if they were coming our way.

I look to my left and see a lady in her early thirties who resembles the little girl, rush over to us and yank her out my hold.

"Oh don't you ever scare me like that again, you hear me?" She cried and pulled back to look who I'm assuming is Emma , in her eyes.

"Yes mommy..." She whined while lightly rubbing her eyes. Her mother side then looked over at me.

I have her a small smile, but she didn't return it. Her face became very turnt up as she looked at me in disgust.

"What the hell took you so long? Why didn't you tell anyone that my daughter was alone and missing? You didn't even call the police!?" She yelled. I became nervous and began to fidget with my fingers.

The lady was causing such a scene that a handful of customers stopped what they were doing to watch the encounter.

"Ma'am, I wasn't aware of your daughters presence before she approached me. I apologize if I gave you the idea that I wasn't handling the situ-"

"Handling? HANDLING!? how can you not notice a little girl by herself in a store?" She yelled. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing could even come out.

I looked around and seen everyone looking at us. I've never felt so embarrassed. Here I am being yelled at by some white woman and I can't say anything back, because if I do I lose my job.

"I didn't know she was here. Like I said, until she came up to me..." I stated, barely above a whisper.

"If she was taken it would've been your fault! Ugh, this is why I hate Niggers..." She placed a hand in her to head while muttering the last part .

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