Chapter 7

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I woke up the next day to chefs preparing breakfast for the family. I was awoken by Tasha's loud ass voice in the other room, screaming to LuLu about some guy she fucked. I decided to just wear my silk robe out the room because who knows what's going on later. With this family you never know if your either going to dinner or a full on gun war.

When I got to the kitchen, I seen that Diablo was already awake and was sitting at the huge antique dining table shirtless with grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips.

Lord give me strength...

I took a seat at the table and grabbed some food. I chose to go with fruit salad and freshly squeezed orange juice. On the other hand, this nigga Diablo has a huge plate of bacon, pancakes and syrup.

"Ewww, that's so bad for you..." my face scrunched up, looking down at the goregous food he had on his plate. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes. Man...fuck sickle cell! I wish I could eat that shit!

"Just cause yo ass gotta eat all healthy don't mean I got to, celly ." He laid back in the chair and lazily brought a piece of bacon to his lips. He took a bite, a bit of the grease dripping down his lower lip. In an instant, his tongue swept across his lip and licked the grease away. Holy father of chickens...

" good, celly?" He smirked at me as I tore my gaze from his lips to his eyes. I nodded and squinted my eyes at him.

"Who's celly?" I scoffed and took a bite of a mango. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"That's yo new nickname, mami." I put my bowl on the table along with my elbows and rested my head in my hands.

"What does that even mean?" I looked over at him and released a small laugh. He smirked and shrugged his shoulders. again.

"You got sickle cell, so imma call you celly." I sighed and rolled my eyes at the dumbass sitting beside me.

" did this for what?"

"Why not?"


"Why not?"

"Why though?"

"Because its funny, dumbass." He laughed, showing his straight white teeth. He even had a dimple on his left cheek. I could tell his laugh was genuine because he had a sheer gloss to them.

If it was anyone else, I probably would've been mad, but with him smiling like that and the tears in his eyes, it just made me want to be the reason he laughs all the time. Woahhhh there girl. Slow down!!!

I heard footsteps and seen both Lulu and Tasha enter the kitchen. Loud asses...They looked over at us and seen Diablo's smile briefly, before it fell into a straight line.

"What you pendejas laughing about?" Tasha smiled with a surprised look on her face as she took a seat next to her brother. He rolled his eyes and looked at her briefly

"Nothin." He stated dryly before getting up to put the food in the garbage and the plate in the goregous rose gold sink. Someone could've used that food...

"Well, we need to head over to training so her and Stassie can learn a few things. Papá doesn't want them to be defenseless." Tasha said while grabbing a mango. Diablo leaned against the kitchen counter and nodded while scrolling threw his phone. Anddd, he's back to being the asshole...

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