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Hey Y'all! I'm still alive...

To be honest, I haven't been in the best mental state since I've last updated. A lot has occurred in my life, to the point to where I haven't been able to write.

Still...I don't know if I can.

I wrote this book when I was a kid thinking this is how I wanted to imagine a kind of love story. Some of this shit I look back and cringe, bc I've changed so much since then.

But hey, not everything is bad. I mean, I have people who actually gave a guck about what I wrote. And really loved it.

.... Anywho...

What I'm trying to say, Is that I will still be updating. Just not now. I want to rewrite this book, because I think I can showcase Amavii in a more beautiful light.

Please, keep commenting and messaging!!

Your guy's comments and messages make me feel better.

Don't think it goes unnoticed.

Give me time, please.

- Justice 🩷

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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