Part Fifteen

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Salt In our Wounds

Part 15.

Cheyenne’s POV.

A text from Burton brought me out of my good mood

B: “Hey, come to the hospital, something happened to Ville.”

I didn’t even reply I got dropped what I was doing and got into the car and drove to the hospital and when I was half way there I shot him a reply telling him were I was.

I’m pretty sure I have never driven this fast in my life, but I couldn’t help it adrenaline rushed through me at the thought that scared me. What could have happened to Ville? Burton didn’t even say why he was put in. they were supposed to be at rehearsal, finishing the bands tracks for the record and then screwing around with acoustic versions, nothing was even mentioned that he was planning on getting hurt. Damn it.

I pulled into a parking spot, turned off the car and got out; I started running, heading to the hospital door but Burton saw me before I could and stopped me. “Cheyenne, wait let me explain what happened.” He said, I shook my head “I don’t want to know right now, I just want to know what room he’s in” I looked at him with pleading eyes, I couldn’t stand waiting, I needed to see him, I needed to see for myself whether or not he would be okay or not. Burton just sighed and ran his fingers through his long hair. “Room 106 B second floor.”  I nodded as thanks and took off.

My mind spun rapidly as the elevator took me up to the second floor; I didn’t know what to do or what to think. I didn’t know what happened, I would ask Burton that later, but right now I needed to see how he was; that’s all I cared about and this elevator seemed to be taking forever just to get to the second floor; but finely it buzzed opened and again I continued my sprint to room 106 B

I found the room and went in, being stopped by the doctor that I almost ran into. “Oh shit I’m so sorry…” I blushed in embarrassment. The doctor just simply put up his hand and nodded as I gave him a small smile “it’s quite alright.” I sighed in relief “are you Mrs. Valo?” he added and I looked back at him surprised. “I’m his girlfriend, so close enough…” he stepped out of my way letting me passed him. I walked over to Ville’s bed to see Him lying on his back, bruised and he had a look on his face that showed that he hurt, even if he was fast asleep.

“His friend said that when they were setting up one of the amps fell and landed on him when his back was turned, He’s lucky might I add; the amp could have done more damage than it did. He only has a sprained wrist and some bad bruises; he’s going to be sore and we want him to stay the night just to make sure that nothing else pops up, but after that he should be able to go home and take it easy.” The Doctor spoke quickly and quietly as he flipped passed his notes and put his clipboard back at his side. “He should be up in a little bit; I gave him something to help with the pain when he first came in, so he should get up soon.” He added before we walked out of the room to do whatever it is doctors do.

I sighed and pulled up a chair next to Ville, I took one of his hands in mine and rubbed my thumb over the top of his hand; just like he did with me when I was upset or needed comfort. Now it was my turn to give it to him.

I held his hand and watched him, even if nothing was happening, even when all he did was sleep and he never moved from my constant staring but soon my eyes became heavy and unwillingly shut.

A deep sleep was nothing when a hand gripped yours tightly that it brought you up with a jump. My eyes sprang open as I took in the scenery of where I still were and what happened. I sat up and looked around to see Ville laying on his side looking at me.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” I whispered and took his hand back in mine but moved so I was now sitting on the bed with him. “I’m fine darling, just sore is all…” he gave me a tired smiled and sat up; I rubbed my head still trying to wake up. “What time is it?” I looked around the room, there was no clock in the room and my phone was dead, but Ville switched the channel on the TV as it showed the time. “Ugh, almost nine love.” I sighed and nodded, visiting hours ended in about 15 minutes. “The doctor said that you could come home tomorrow if nothing new springs up, but you would have to take it easy.” He nodded and glanced at me then at the door as it made a noise hinting that someone was turning the nob, the nurse walked in and looked around, then at me. “Visiting hours are over, time to go you can come back in the morning.” She gave me a small smile but I could see the tightness in her lips like she wasn’t happy that she had to tell me, that I should already know.

“Okay I’ll be out in a sec” I replied then turned to Ville. “I’ll be back in the morning okay?” I sighed as I bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek; I could feel him smile at my careful touch. “Text me when you get home, Gas and Linde brought me my phone and charger when you were sleeping. So text me, let me know when you get home okay darling?” he whispered the last part and I nodded before I walked away with the nurse.

I sighed and headed to my car, I felt drained and disconnected and the ride home was silent but as I pulled into the driveway Burton was waiting for me at the doorstep. “is he okay?” he asked right as I approach the door, I just nodded as a response and walked passed him to the door as I unlocked it walked in leaving it open for him to come in. “He’s fine, the doctor said that he should be home tomorrow if nothing new comes up, but then he needs to take it easy for however long the doctor says” I sighed and plugged my phone waiting for it to get a good enough charge so I could text Ville.

“well he has his tracks done, and we can fuck around with the acoustic versions here and record them later, we just need to finish mine and Gas’s tracks; but we know what to do so he can stay here and not worry about anything.” Burton rambled, I nodded and gave him a small smile before he took a seat next to me on the sofa  and pulled an arm around me. “Are you okay?” he asked and I just sighed and shrugged, I really didn’t know what else to say, I never did Burton was the one who always said the right things, even when we were kids.

“You know the two of you together; its fascinating to watched the two of you.” He began but I gave him a confused look “yeah, you don’t notice it but when you’re not looking, he stares at you like he’s afraid to lose you, and you do the same when he’s not looking. And the two of you together, well you help each other with every little thing, you two work as a team. That’s not easy to come by now a days.” He added as he looked at the wall like he was spacing out in a dream before he continued. “I know he saved you from our parents, but since he’s been and Florida and met you, even over the phone and stuff we all noticed  that he has changed, he seems happier and not like he did with other girls, but like he is at peace, and he can be himself around you. He’s always wanted that. In one way, you saved him too Cheyenne…”He looked down and then back at me and smiled as he pulled me closer into a hug then pulled away. “Go get some sleep Cheyenne; I’ll crash on the sofa tonight so you’re not alone.” I gave him a short, thankful look because I didn’t want to be alone. I grabbed my phone and charger than headed my room.

I changed into one of Ville’s shirts and turned on my phone to finely shoot him a text.

C: hey I’m home, well I’ve been home, but I’ve been talking to Burton and waiting for the damn phone to charge enough so I could text you.

 I hit send then started pulling the covers back on his side and crawling in after my phone buzzed.

V: Okay my love, I’m glad that you made it home safely go to bed now and get some sleep you sounded out of it when you woke up earlier, text me when you’re on your way tomorrow. Good night my love x.

I smiled and blushed a soft pink shade as I responded.

C: Okay I will goodnight sweet x.

As I hit send I fell into a deep sleep with his smell prevailing me. 

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