Part sixteen

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Salt In Our Wounds.

Part 16

Cheyenne’s POV

I woke up to Burton shaking me gently awake and whispering “Come on Chey, we have to go get Ville from the hospital, the doctor said he’s going to be ready to come home by the time we get there.” Even if that was good news I still woke up groaning and muttering ‘why did your finnish ass have to wake me up so early.’ I threw him out of my room so I could toss some clothes on. All I did was put a bra on under Ville’s shirt that I had already had on and tied the shirt tighter around me so it wasn’t so baggie, I slid on a pair of jeans and my vans, I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a messy pony tail. Burton knocked on the door and I opened it before heading back to the dresser and pulling out clean clothes for Ville seeing as he was in a hospital gown and most likely needed fresh clothes anyway.

“You’re driving” I mutter as I toss Burton the keys to the car after grabbing my phone. He shrugged and turned to go start the car and I followed right behind him. I got in the car and laid my head on the window and sent Ville a text.

C: Hey, How you feeling? You ready to come home?

I smiled and closed my eyes, the only thing I could hear was Burton humming to some song and tapping his fingers on the wheel. “So you guys are going to finish the rest of the tracks on your own right? Then you said you and the rest of the guys were going to come here to try and figure out with Ville the tracks you guys want to go acoustic right?” I looked at him as he thought then nodded “yeah, like I said Ville has his vocals done, all we have to do is mine and Gas’s then most likely we will come over and try something together, or just Him and Linde.” I nodded and went back to my phone that was now vibrating.

V: Hello love, im okay and yes very ready to come home. (:

I chuckled and typed back a text as Burton pulled into the loop.

C: Well it is your lucky day; we are now walking in to save you. :P

I followed Burton from the corner of my eye and the two of us walked through the hallways to the elevator and through the hallways to Ville’s room; where Ville sat in the chair listing to the doctor giving him directions for the next week

“Take it easy, stay in bed and don’t lift anything over ten pounds for about two weeks or so, and make sure you make an appointment so we can check your wrist again and make sure that everything is healing properly.” He gave Ville a small smile and stuck his hand out, Ville took it, thanking him then turning to us when he walked out.

“Well hello, you know nurse, you look like this girl that I know, please could you tell me your name?” Ville smiled at the pink that my face turned; from the corner of my eyes I could see Burton making gagging gestures. “Let’s get you dressed.” I giggled shaking my head and walking over to him; Burton left the room and drew the curtain to give us some privacy

I helped him take off the gown off and I looked at him, down his face, neck, chest; he was bruised bad and it did look painful. “It looks worse than it feels.” Ville whispered as I helped him pull his shirt on; he put his pants on and slid on his shoes. He stood up and opened his arms for me; I was hesitant in entering before I did so carefully. His arms wrapped around me tightly and kissed my head. “Let’s get outta here” I whispered and took his hand in mine before I pulled the curtain and left the room.

The ride home was silent, Ville and I stayed in the back of the care together, he laid my head down on his shoulder and whispered part of Poe’s poem ‘A Valentine’ in my ear so low, that only I could hear.

“For her this rhyme is penned, whose luminous eyes,

Brightly expressive as the twins of Leda,

Shall find her own sweet name, that nestling lies

Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader.

Search narrowly the lines!- they hold a treasure

Divine- a talisman- an amulet”

His voice was so sweet and soft like a kittens purr; I fell asleep to his soft sound

Ville’s P.O.V

I watched as her eyes fell heavy and gave in, I smiled and kissed the top of her head ignoring the pain that it caused me to strain my neck like that. I sat there playing with her hair until I perked up a conversation with Burton.

“Has she been okay since I went in? I’ve been worried about her.” I sighed and spun a lock of her hair between my fingers. Burton smiled and glanced at me through the mirror. “She been fine. Slept through the whole thing and when I woke her up this morning she was revising something to herself when I was outside the room waiting for her to get dressed; I hope she started writing again, she was always good at writing…” He turned into the driveway and turned off the car, I unbuckled and shifted my pose so I could get out without disrupting her peaceful slumber. “Here I’ll get her..” Burton said behind me, I stepped out of the way and he handed me the keys. I walked up the drive way and to the door to open the house.

Burton walked her in with ease before turning to me. “Where to you want her?” “In Our room is fine” I replied quickly following him to the room so I could tuck her in properly and to get my note book. Burton laid her down in the bed and covered her with the blanket, he honestly was a great brother and proved himself to honestly care about Cheyenne, she always thought the he left because he no longer loved her; and now I hope that she knows that she was far off.

I kissed her head and went to the desk and started looking for my note book, sprawled across the desk were papers in Cheyenne’s beautiful handwriting, my eyes fell  upon one that had doodling on it like a bored school girls homework paper. I picked it up along with my notebook witch I soon found in the drawer, and a pen

I walked down the hallway and read her poem

 ‘we fall in the Devils Path,

As we fight to save each other,

as we pray to a god that never lived,

we walk the path of Dead Lovers,

Home to Luthifer high on his thrown,

he stands up and grins.

‘We come together to join these two in death.’’

“Hey Burton, come look at this…” Burton came from out of the kitchen holding a beer, and sat down next to me on the sofa as I handed him the paper. He looked at me with a smile after he finished reading it. “She wrote that right before I left, I’m surprised that she still has it, she always throws away her work after a few years… even the really good ones.” He sighed and handed it back to me. “Can I ask you something?” Burton added looking at me as I just simply nodded. “What was she like before I came back into her life? And how was she – if she told you, how was she after I left her?” he looked at me with pleading eyes as I gave him a small smile and put my hands in my lap

“She has told me, that after you left she was a mix of a lot of things, but she said that one of the big things that ran across her mind was that she felt that you left because you didn’t love her anymore. She told me how much of a mess she was emotionally because you were the only one that knew what went on in the house; you were the only one that she trusted. Since you have been back though; I have noticed that at first she was scared that you were going to leave her again but now it’s like she is complete.” I sighed “when I first met her, she was so dark and so deep in solitude that she didn’t know what to do, and even when we first got together, she was still in solitude; but she was slowly coming out, and then after you came back and she got comfortable with you again; I don’t see that dark solitude so much anymore; she still sees the darkness but now it’s not taking over her, but instead I see it as a form of beauty… “

(Let this be said that the last poem is my own, if you use it let me know and give me credit please, the 1st one is a part of one of Eder Allen Poes works.)) 

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