Part 25

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Authors note : hey guys! Sorry it's been almost a year but I'm going to finish this damn thing if it kills me. I'm also thinking about starting an originals fanfiction that's like this. Slow paced. Let me know what you think.

Trigger warning : verbal abuse

I followed the officer to the holding cells where my parents were being held, in an attempt to calm myself down I took a deep breath and ran a calming hand through my hair. Then my mind started to wonder. Thinking that at 25, as a full grown adult I shouldn't be scared of facing my parents. But I am. It seems like it doesn't matter how old I get, that I have a job, or that I pays taxes and could I afford to live on my own if I wasn't so damn scared as to what my parents would say, or worse. Do. They acted like children when they didn't get their way. Big children who bullied the one person that's always been terrified of them. Me.

Finally we got to the holding cells and the officer pulled up a chair so that I could sit down.

"you can talk until Poth comes to collect you, you should have enough time" he spoke

I nodded in a reply, and a crappy thanks then turned to my parents, sitting back in the chair and crossing my arms over my chest. I wasn't going to say hi to start off if I started out with hi or any other greeting that didn't lead to the point I was going to chicken out and run in the other direction. Not anymore.

"I'm not bailing you guys out. I'm not bringing you guys money." I announced trying to make myself sound more confident than what I actually felt.

Father's head shot up and glared at me. "you will bring us bail money, because if you don't you will be the homeless girl on the corner opening her legs to get her next meal." his voice growled and his eyes bugged in anger and paranoia. I tried to laugh off his threat.

"No, I won't. You see while you guys have ignored me, abused me and used me I've been saving up money. I can, and will move out and live my life the way I want to happily, just to spite you, and so that I can finally get out of the claws that are you, father." I looked at him demeaning him like he did me, belittling him like he did me. Then I turned to my mom. " Momma, I know he's the one that did this to you, and I know sober you are actually the person I always missed. Dispite what you might think, I do love you and I'll come see you when you are clean." I spoke softly, crouching down so that I could be closer to face level with her because she was sitting down on the cell floor. She didn't speak though, she didn't get angry like she usually did when I would talk about how she was when she was sober. I saw a tear fall on her lap though as I stood up and turned back to my father.

"I hope you rot in hell dad" I spoke softly as I pulled my jacket closer to me, silently hugging myself as I sit back down on the chair. My father was screaming nonsense that I blocked out and stared at my mother. Trying to remember when she sober, how loving she was.


Dear Diary,

Mom was sober this week for my senior prom, something snapped in her when I asked if I could have money for a prom dress.. She didn't even realize that I was a senior; but I'll take what I can get, right? So the other day we went prom dress shopping, and we got our nails done together. It was amazing. I miss when she's sober. When mom is sober she's the sweet, loving mother that I need In my life. She even apologized for dad's out burst the other day at dinner when mom asked me if a boy was taking me to prom, which a boy was. He flipped out said that I was too young to date and that he wouldn't understand any guys interest with me with the way look. Mom shushed him and later came up to my room and told me that I was the most beautiful person she's ever known.
She did my hair and helped me with my makeup the day of prom, waited on the porch with me as my date picked me up and by the time I got home she was already back on the stuff. But, I'll charrish this moment forever and hope that I get more like this.

**flashback end**

"Miss Green? I'm Detective Poth" I snapped out of my head and looked at the other officer and stood up from my chair to shake his hand
"Cheyenne, please" I gave a small smile.
"Cheyenne, let's talk somewhere more quiet about your parents" he spoke and guided me to a interview room my father was still screaming about me as I walked away. "so I guess his anger means that you aren't bailing them out." he spoke as he walked to the other end of the room and grabbed a paper cup and filled it with water, handing it over to me.

I laughed slightly "Thanks, and no, I'm not bailing them out. He gets what's coming to him and mom needs to get clean. They get what's coming" I said, taking a sip of the water

Poth looked at me for a second, not really sure how to answer that but nodded and opened the file in front of them. "okay, well the DA offered them a deal if they plead guilty but it looks like only your mother took it, she will get sent to a low security ward for five years and then after that mandatory rehab and parole for another five. Your father on the other head is pleading 'not guilty" so he DA is charging him with as much as she can. If there is anything that you can tell us that can help our case against him it would be helpful, your mother has immunity to any other charges we get on your father, because of her deal."

I nodded and thought about that for a minute they were always smart enough to not leave it in the house, but there was always one place. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair again.
"Um, yeah actually they are also wanted in Florida, they have minor charges out for their arrest. My mother for public indecency and my father has multiple drug charges. You might want to talk to the police department in St Mark's, see if anything changes anything." I signed and sat back in my chair.

" we've already contacted the police department over there, the charges are getting carried over they will however, most likely spend their jail time here in California. " he spoke and I nodded slightly

" okay, well I know it's far, but the Florida department should know that my father keeps his stash in the shed behind our house there is a drape that covers on side of it. That should stick on more time." I spoke softly and he nodded. "I will make sure that Message is told to the right people over there." he replied and I nodded.

"is there anything else you need from me, sir?" I asked gently, but pushing the matter, I wanted to put this behind me so that I can inform my brother and get the boys on stage, possibly down a bottle of vodka.

"No ma'am I will call you if I have any more questions and to update on the case ahead." I nodded as a thanks and replied "please give my number to the Florida police as well so I can be updated by them too" he nodded and he shook my hand before escorting me back to Ville

He left and I laid my head on the table, resting until I heard the interview room door open again and I heard a Finnish accent call my name

"Cheyenne.." Ville called, rushing over and giving me a strong hug. I looked up at him and gave him a weak smile

A/n well look at that, I fully updated a chapter that isn't super fucking small. I'm actually cutting this chapter and doing starting the next one in a bit. But I wanted to publish this one. Hope yall liked it.

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