Part eleven

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Salt In Our Wounds

Part 11

Cheyenne's POV

"Everything I ever loved is gone, everything I ever wanted is gone, darling you are all I ever loved and now you are wasting away.." I sang softly as I figured out the cords on the guitar.

Ville and the rest of the guys were out having a "boys night" seeing as it was the last week they had on vacation before they had to finish recording their new album "Love In theory and Practice" Ville made an arrangement with the Screamworks manager to record the rest of the songs and refresh on the older ones at the studio just out of town, it was small but the guys agreed as long as the bands manager; Seppo came down and of course Ville agreed to that.

I put down my guitar down on its stand as my phone started to ring, telling me I had a text from Linde. "Your brother is as drunk as a damn horse; first time in a while, will you come get him? Gas and I will come and get him on our way back to the hotel, if you don't mine." I laughed and grabbed my keys as I replied "sure, I'm on my way what bar are you guys at?" I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water then headed to the car "Diamonds..." I groaned as I read the text, I hated that bar so much.

I started the car and put in a mix cd as I sang along to "Raised by Wolves" by falling in Reverse. Soon I pulled into the parking lot and pulled out my phone and shot Linde a text "I'm here, but I'm not going in there."

I closed my eyes before I heard a tapping at the passenger door window, I looked over to see Linde there holding Burton up. I unlocked the door so Linde can open it and drop Burton, I leaned over and buckled him in as Linde slammed the door shut and walked over to my side. I rolled down the window and sighed. "Thanks Cheyenne, me and Gas will come pick him up in about an hour or so when we drop off Ville." He gave me a small smile as I chuckled "where's Migé? Already back at the hotel?

"Yeah he was on the phone with Jyriki about something and left, we are bound to hear about it when we get back." He laughed and stood back up; smoothing out his shirt before he backed away to let me pull out.

"WAIT!" I slammed on my brakes and looked out the side window to see Ville running to the car, when he caught up, out of breath he looked at me. 'Can I come along darling? I have had enough of this for tonight.." I nodded and unlocked the door and watched him crawl into the back seat behind me and buckle in. "Does Gas or Linde know that you are leaving?" I asked as I looked at him through the rear mirror, he nodded "yeah, I told Gas, he said that him and Linde are about to leave anyway, so it wasn't a big deal." I nodded and pulled out of the bars parking lot and drove onto the main road.

The ride was silent other than the occasional groaning and moaning of Janne, who was so drunk that I was both surprised and greatful that he didn't puke in my car. I pulled into the driveway of Ville's house and unlocked the doors to let everyone out. Ville and I got out and I made my way over to Janne's door, opening it and shaking him awake. "Ey Janne, wake up." I sighed; he grunted but didn't wake up. I reached over and grabbed the water bottle that I had brought and poured its contents on his head. "Hey sleepy head, wake the fuck up. "I laughed as he jumped awake. "Damnit" He muttered before noticing me "Damnit Cheyenne. Ugh, help me up" he added as I laughed and hoisted him up on his feet.

"Ville!" I yelled as I put Janne's arm over my shoulder to help support him, but I wasn't enough. I needed Ville for extra strength. "Yes darling?" He said before turning around noticing what I needed, rushing over to us taking his side to help me walk Janne inside. "Damn Burton you need to lose some weight, you're getting fat." Janne laughed and threw his head back "Naw, Willa Walo is just Jealous that I got meat on me and he doesn't. " Burton slurred and snorted as Ville and I dropped him on the sofa.

"I'm going to go make you some coffee Janne..." I muttered as I headed into the kitchen leaving the boys to themselves. I turned on the coffee pot and jumped onto the counter as I waited for the coffee to finish when Ville walked in holding my phone. "Darling, someone called you, caller ID said 'Oma' I didn't hear it ring until the last few or I would have gotten it to you sooner." He handed me my phone and smiled, I slid it open to see that my Oma (Grandma) had left me a voice message , I dialed my number and put it on speaker with a huge smile on my face when a thick German accent filled the air, I haven't talked to my grandma since I met Ville and that was little over a month ago.

"Hello Darling, oh gosh I hope I still have the right number, Cheyenne honey is everything okay at home? I have tried to call your mother and father but they are not answering, it's starting to get me worried, not about them; but about you, I have a feeling that something big has happened and that is why you haven't called me. Call me back when you get this, I love you Cheyenne."

My smiled slowly faded as I finished listing hitting 7 on the key board to delete it before Janne came in. "Was that Grandma?" He asked, drunken disbelief filled his tone, my guess was that he hasn't talked to her since he left. "Yeah, I talk to her weekly usually but I haven't called her in a while..." I looked down and wiggled my nose, sniffled then dialed her number. In the corner of my eye I could see Janne getting a cup of coffee, an improvement from about ten minutes ago when he could hardly stand, let alone walk.

Her phone rang about five times before she answered "Hello?" she picked up, her thick accent yet again filling the speaker as I put the phone to my ear. "Um Oma its Cheyenne, you called?" I ran my fingers through my hair; I was always extremely awkward during a casual conversation. "Sorry I haven't called you, you were right though; something big has happened. " I added giving a small smile as I peeked through my hair to see Ville still standing there. "Oh yes I did call, not too long ago either. Well now I'm curious on what is so big that you couldn't call your grandmother." She chuckled.

I told her about everything that has happened, meeting Ville, finding Janne (Burton.) The band that they were both in and how my parents left and took my  money. I told her about how its been about a week in a half since they left, which was about half of what they said they might be gone for. I also told her that they mentioned that they might not be coming back either. 

Soon Oma yawned over the phone, which was my hint that not only was I talking her ear off but that she was tired. I looked over at the clock, noticing that it was about  3 o 'clock in the morning  over in Germany. "Darling, I'm tired I think I'm going to head to bed, if by some chance that band that your boyfriend and Janne are in come back to Europe and you are close to me, please do come see me... keep in touch and call me whenever your parents come home." She sighed "Alright oma, take care, bye." I said and at that she hung up.

Ville looked at me and smiled, Janne was staring at his coffee cup, most likely reeling from just hearing his adopted grandmothers voice for the first time in years. I was over joyed that I talked to her once more, and that she seemed to be pleased with everything that has happened between Ville, Janne and I; that's all that mattered to me.

(( the lyrics at the top are from my own insanity, In other words I made them up. I must admit it isnt my best chapter, but it works.))

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