Part twenty

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Salt In Our Wounds

Part 20

Cheyennes POV


I sighed and made me a cup of tea; today was Ville’s and I’s six months; at the moment he was doing a show and told me to stay behind to get ready and relax; that we were going out right after they got back. I wondered where we would be going, we were in the middle of California and neither of us knew our way around. Honestly I didn’t even know why we were going anywhere in the first place. It was just a day to me; another wonderful day with Ville.

No matter what though if it made him happy then I was happy. I didn’t know where we were going; how dressy to dress or if it was just casual. I went with a nice casual; something nice but not dressy and a little more casual. I wore I pair of jeans and a nice checkered long sleeve shirt, along with my converse. When I started putting on a little eyeliner my phone started blasting that was all the way in the front room.

I groaned and picked myself up and walked to the sofa where my phone sat, switching places from where the phone sat to my butt and my phone going to my ear answering whoever the hell was calling. “Talk to me.” I answer, putting the phone on speaker and setting it down; no one replies but after a few seconds they hang up; I shake it off and finish my eyeliner before Ville walks in.

His clothes are different than what he left in when he left he had just a black shirt and jeans, now he had a pair of black skinny’s and gray shirt with a scarf. His hair was wet but not from sweat; he took a shower. He must have done it after the show. “Ready love?” He asks extending his hard out to me; with just a nod and a small giggle I grab his hand and we start heading to the street.

“So where are we going?” I ask looking at the watch on his wrist that was on the hand that I was holding. It was eleven thirty and it was dark; and being in the area that we were in, there wasn’t many lights so It was darker than what it normally would have been if we were deeper in the city, but we wernt so I was clinging to him just like on the first day that we met; he smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me across the street to where there was a soccer field.

“surprises aren't fair .” I  whispered as he guided me through the gates of the field.


We set up a blanket and laid down on it, I laid my head on my chest and he had his hand on my belly making small circles on my side with his fingers. I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck and smiled. “what is it with us and parks?” he asked and started to sit up but never let go of me but instead pulled me on his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his chest. “well it's open, and it around nature it's quiet at night… and they say that they feel the closest to the place that they first met..” I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Well than I guess that’s why, though this isn't the place we met. It will do..”

He kissed me gently, guiding me down so he was on top. “I love you..” he whispered and moved down to my neck, then he pulled my sleeve up and kissed my wrist, kissed my scars before getting back up and looking at them, trailing his fingers over them. “You never told me why you did this, only that you had a problem with it when you were younger, I mean I know why people do it; I just I uh—“

“I did it because I would have rather felt pain; the physical pain, other than the emotional pain. How many times I would have had him beat me other than getting called stuff that were never true are unspeakable. I did it because I wanted to know that I was still alive, that I was still breathing.” I laughed heartlessly “how many times I got to the top of the house and wanted to jump is unreal; ask Burton, he never talks about it though but I did it once in front of him, I cut and then that same night he found me on the roof about to jump.” I looked down at my scars and sighed “what made you stop?” he asked as he interlaced his fingers with yours, I looked up at him and gave a small smile.

“I'm not sure, but I did and every time after I stopped myself. But one time I actually knew I was going to do it I met this guy, the day that I was going to end it all, I was freezing and I couldn’t walk it was one of the coldest nights in Florida; I was In a tree crying when he asked if I was okay, I lied out of my ass but then we went to Denny’s and after we left from there I remember crying my heart out to him, he let me stay the night at his house and I crashed on the sofa no matter how much he begged and insisted that I slept in his bed and he slept on the sofa, but I insisted and won in the long run.. from there it bloomed I stopped after the first week and told him around the first month. I cried when I told him but he just said I was still beautiful, that I was still an angel in his eyes. He was, and still is the best thing that ever happened to me.” I smiled and kissed his forehead. He didn’t say anything for a while after that; he kind of just dropped the subject and moved on to something else.

“You are doing really well with the whole Tour Manager thing I can’t believe you already have all of the kinks out of the whole tour and still have time to get shit faced with the guys.” He laughed “remember when you got so shitfaced with Burton that the two of you took off your shirts and started sprinting out of the bus and started heading into the Wal-Mart? That was like the most hysterical thing ever to see you shitfaced the first time.” He laughed, flinging his head back in laughter.

“or when Gas and Migé was so drunk in the middle of the night that they were making those howling noises and said that they were the song of the angels” I laughed and grinned grabbing his hands tighter “that was the same night of our first show, god remember when we were backstage kissing and this girl pulled you off and started to try and grab me but you pulled her off and she tried to beat the living shit out of you but you punched her in the throat, pulled her up and pulled her out of the door. That was extremely fucking bad ass and sexy. I remember one of the stage managers walked over to me and asked me if that was our tour manager and I replied ‘Yes, and also my girlfriend and out keyboard players sister,’ then he looked at me, you and then Burton and nodded in aproval at what you did.” Ville laughed and pulled our arms above our heads and kissed my head making our arms reach out to the sides.

“I can’t believe that we are here, that I’m out of Florida and I’m out here with you doing what I went to school for, it’s so unbelievable; most of the time I feel like I’m in a dream, the most beautiful dream ever.” I sighed and smiled getting up with Ville and helping him fold the blanket back up.

“Happy Sixth months Cheyenne, my beautiful enkeli… “He took my hand and we headed back to the bus.

When we got back to the bus the guys were all sleeping so we just crawled up in bed and cuddled up together and before I fell asleep he kissed my lips gently and whispered in my ear. “No matter how many scars, no matter how many cries and dark sections of solitude you hold in, it doesn’t matter how much I care and love you Cheyenne. I love you more than this life itself and I would trade everything I ever had and owned and did just to be with you forever if that’s what you wanted;  happy six months baby.”

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