part twenty two

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Chapter 22

Salt In Our Wounds

Cheyennes POV

I laughed and slipped on one of his shirts and slid my panties back on as he made his way around to my side to grab me by the wrist and pull me back on the bed and kissed me hard. “I love you…” Ville whispered on my lips as he pulled away.

“I love you too…” I whispered back, before Migé knocked on the door “Hey, there is someone calling for Cheyenne. Do you want me to tell them that you two are busy or what?” he called from behind the door. I laughed and reached out to the door and cracked it open for him to slide the phone threw the door and to my hand. “Thanks Migé!” I called hitting on the door and picking up the phone.

“’ello, this is Cheyenne,” I giggled laying back down on the bed and in Villes arm. “Cheyenne it’s your mother, your father and I need your help…” I sat up at my mother’s voice; I haven’t heard from them in months what makes them want to call me now? What could they possibly need help with?  “With what? I’m not in Florida right now mom..” I glanced over at Ville who was now sitting up next to me gliding his hand up and down my back in a relaxing gesture.

“I know you aren’t, you are in LA correct? with that band and that boy that kept coming around the house? Your father and I got ourselves in a predicament…” Mother sighed and from the other line I could hear shouting. Like someone was giving orders to someone else, a loud buzzer noise and something opening also made heard in the background of the call before she started speaking again. “We are in jail, for possession I need you to bail us out bail is set for thirty thousand each and I know you have the money Cheyenne. So don’t tell me you don’t have it.” I sighed and shook my head dropping the phone to my chest.

“its mom, her and dad are in jail for possession here in LA, they want me to bail them out.” I whispered to Ville, he shot up and looked at me.

“How much is the bail?” he asked getting up and putting on his shirt and pants

“Thirty thousand each I guess. Whatever it is they have been caught enough times to get this big of bail. Along with Florida wanting them I don’t know if I can even bail them out… Bail is set but then that means that they don’t know Florida wants them too..” I took off his shirt that I had on and switched on a tank top as I put the phone on speaker.  “Mom what jail are you guys at?” I sighed and pulled on a pair of pants, and started to look for my combat boots.

“We are in Lodi police Department, me and your father are in different holding cells, and how long will you be?” She asked, she sounded normal like she wasn’t even in jail, that she was back in Florida at home and we were holding a normal conversation.. This was different, we weren’t back in Florida just having a normal conversation, they were both in jail and they needed me to get them out; and I had the choice to say no or not.

“I-I- I don’t know yet, but I will be there; bye mom..” and I hung up and sat down on the bed staring at Ville, watching him get his shoes on.

“Should I bail them out? Or should I tell the cops about them being wanted in Florida still?” I asked, more to myself then to him but he answered.

“Honestly it is up to you darling, you could just do nothing if that is what you really feel.” He bent down, getting down to my height and kissed the top of my head, “and I support you any way you go, I hope you know that.” He took my hand and helped me up; I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips lightly.

“Thank you, for everything Ville...” I whispered to him

“Don’t thank me love, you’re my girlfriend, the love of my life I will support you even if I don’t agree with you. We are a team, that’s what we do.” He kissed my head before grabbing his cell phone. “Now let’s get to a cab okay? Is there someone else you wanna take, Burton, Linde? I know you and Linde have gotten close.. “

I looked down and thought for a second. I really didn’t really want anyone to come, not even Ville, but I knew there would be no way around him, so I just shook my head and sighed. “No let’s just go… tell them what we are doing, if they wanna come then they can come, but its whatever; Imma go get a cab.” I said as I ran my fingers threw my hair and walked passed him to leave.

Ville’s POV.


I sighed as she pushed passed me, the hurt I already saw in her eyes took my heart and twisted it, causing me to heave a heavy sigh and lay a hand on the wall to steady myself. I took another deep breath and relaxed as much as I could, before heading out to tell the boy where we were going.

The boys were all in the sitting area, Linde and Burton were playing chess and Migé and Gas was sitting and watching the news. “Uh, guys me and Cheyenne are going to the jail to see her parents. They want her to bail them out…” I clapped my hands together and sighed, Burton who was now away from the game and focusing on me looked shocked that she would so something as such.

“We will be back… She doesn’t know if she wants to turn them in to the Florida cops; because I guess they are wanted there too;  or just bail them out, but I really hope she thinks about this before she does do it..” I continued and sighed

“Keep us posted okay man?” Burton spoke in his eyes he was worried for his little sister. He always has, even when they were apart and didn’t know of each other. He always had that little hit in his eyes that he was consistently worried about something. Always, and now it shows to the front that that worry was always about Cheyenne. It showed a little bit in all of them, they all have become family to her. They all worried about her.

“I will; so um, I guess we will be back whenever, but we will, or at least I will be back before the show starts,” I sighed and left them to their thoughts as I met Cheyenne out there by the cab.

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