Part TwentyThree

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A/N((So I know this one is vary short but I was really proud of this part so I figured I would just post it like this. I hope you guys like it and I am going to keep going)) (: 

Salt In our Wounds

Part 23

Cheyenne’s POV


I never liked jails, they were and always has been a reminder of how messed up my family has been; Always In and out of jails back in Florida they just started putting them in the same cells, I always knew where to find them after a few unheard of days without a note or a word after. It was always for the little stuff though, shop lifting, DUIs, sleeping on someone else’s yard, the only time they really screwed things up was when mom went and ‘showed’ herself on the side of highway 19,  files where showed and cases were done and she has yet to show up to any of the court hearings for public indecency

Father on the other hand, was in the same boat as mom until she showed herself and he showed his bad side and started hitting an old lady, she was fine; so we thought, but ended up passing away in the hospital. He’s now wanted for Homicide in Florida.

Now if you ask me how they were able to even leave the state is unknowledgeable even to me. Seeing as I know just about every trick in the little book of having criminal parents, but this is new to me. I guess they started pulling chapters out of other peoples books, let’s not even get that the jail hasn’t even been notified about all of this. It’s all just seems to shocking; too smart for my parents. 

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