Part six

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 Part 6.

Ville’s P.O.V.


I knocked on her back door about five till eight, I was a little early but I doubted that she would have minded. I saw her look out the curtain and smile at me as she opened the door and went into my arms, kissing my lips gently, her lips were wet from tears, I wrapped my arms around her before parting our kiss and looking into her eyes. “Are you okay darling?” I pulled farther away from her to look at her whole face, her eyes were red and puffy because she was crying, yet she had that smile on her face like nothing bad had happened.

“I’m okay..” she broke from my eyes and took my hand in hers bringing me into her room; she sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her, I didn’t believe her and I think she knew that I didn’t. “Honestly Ville I’m okay. “She said as I sat down next to her and took her into my arms.

“Okay kultaseni..”  I sighed and kissed her head, I still didn’t believe her, but that didn’t matter now that she was in my arms. I will protect her from anything and everything. “What did you call me?” she said with a giggle, I had to think about what I had just said before blushing and looking at her. “it’s, ‘sweetheart’ in Finnish.” I chuckled as she blushed and laid her head down on my chest. I ran my fingers through her silk like hair; she took a deep breath and relaxed.

Normal POV

His fingers ran though my hair and I found myself relaxing into his chest. I was so happy that he was here, even if my parents were home, at this point I really didn’t care. All that mattered right now was us.

His hand that was moving through my hair slid down my back, I could feel his eyes on me now and I couldn’t help but smile

 “Are you going to tell me what happened after I left or am I going to have to guess the worse?” He looked at me and moved a strand of hair from my face; sighing I sat up and put my hands in my lap. “Like I said, it was the same speech that I get all the time with them, mom brings the whole ‘your father wasn’t like this until you were born’ or the ‘we should have sent you with your grandmother when she left’ or she says ‘if you were only more like your brother’ it’s just that this time she gave me all three; then my dad wanted to talk to me and he gave me the whole ‘who were you sleeping around with this time? ‘Speech and I’m done, honestly I’m done trying to impress these people, because no matter what I do it’s never good enough.” I was practically yelling by the time I finished, I looked up at him his eyes were on me full of worry; ashamed of what I just did I looked down as silent tears fell but I put a smile on and looked back up at him “But I’m okay.” I added before putting my head back down.

“You’re not okay Cheyenne; I know you’re not darling, look at me please.” He took a hand under my chin and guided my face up to him until my eyes met his. “I know you’re not okay, and I wish I could change things for you, honestly I do darling. I just don’t know how to, so I’m going to tell you this; any time you need me, I will be here for you, rain or shine, tears or smiles, I’m here.” He pulled me into a hug “I will always be here when you need me darling.” I buried my head into his neck, sniffled, then pulled away and looked at him. “Okay Ville.” He smiled at me and kissed my lips gently before getting up from the bed and extending a hand out for me.

“Now how about we get out of here, I would love to take you on a late night stroll.” A large grin appeared on his face that I couldn’t resist; giggling I got up and kissed his cheek. “meet me outside I’m going out through front to let them know I’m leaving” I kissed his cheek again and went out my bedroom and into the rest of the house where I glided by without one question being asked of where I was going.

The two of us ended up walking around for hours through the night hand in hand; he asked me questions about my grandmother; like where in Germany was she, If I were a lot like her etc.

"She lives in this little village by the base of some mountains, I can't remember what it's called though." I replied "I like to think that I'm alot like her, but she claims I'm more like my mother.. You know, before she was on drugs and stuff. My grandmother also brought me up as a pagan."

he looked at me shocked. “No way you’re Pagan? I never would have guessed!” I smiled at him and nodded “Yeah I have been pagan since I was 15” I chuckled and looked up at the sky for a second “well a lot of people consider me Wiccan, but because I put other belief systems into my faith, we just say that I'm pagan…” I added before trailing off and feeling him squeeze my hand tighter for a second; I couldn’t help but blush.

“You said that you had a brother right? What’s his name?” He asked I bit down hard on my bottom lip at that question; I haven’t talked about my brother Janne in so long. “His real name is Janne, He’s from Finland like you, we kind of took him in I guess; from my understanding of it, mom found him  and he had no place to go so we took to him in and adopted him, under US law he’s my brother; but um he left to go back to Finland in late 2000, I was 15. It sucked when he left because he knew what was going on about everything with my parents. I could talk to him about it; then one day he got up and left; kinda made me feel like he just gave up on me. Later I heard he joined a band in January of 2001 but I haven’t talked to him scents he left.” I sighed and looked down away from him. I always wondered what he looked like, I blocked him out so long ago, but I always tried to remember.

“Janne? What’s his last name?” Ville’s Voice broke me from my consternation, I looked ahead then back at him. I could hardly see his face now that we were in a dark patch away from the street lights.

“Oh, um… His full name is Janne Johannes Puurtinen..”I trialed.

Ville stopped in his tracks and looked at me in shock. “Janne Johannes Puurtinen?” he asked, I nodded “That’s our keyboard player, Cheyenne why didn’t you tell me that?” he looked at me, I shook my head.

“What? My brother is your keyboard player? I mean I knew that his name was Janne, but I couldn’t make the connection because I haven’t seen him in years, and I didn’t know if what I had heard was true. Wow…” I sat down on the grass where we stood and looked down, shocked; I couldn’t believe that my brother was so far, yes so close to me, I couldn’t wrap this around my head.

My brother was part of one of my favorite bands and I didn’t even know.

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