Part 26

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Authors note : so I went through hand half asses edited the rest of this story and realized that I fucked up on the placement of where everything took place because I forgot that they were on tour. So go back and read that again before you read this chapter. Sorry I'm shit.


I held on to his hug for a moment before turning back around to the officer "thank you for your information detective, please let me know if there is anything else I can do. And if for some reason you can't get me in my personal cell I'm going to give you my brother's, he usually always awnsers" I said pulling out a pen and a scrap of paper from my purse and writing down Burton's phone number and handing it to him.
He took the paper and nodded noticing Ville "aren't you in a band? Haven't you been doing shows in LA the past few days?" he asked Ville, who nodded
"yes, my band and I are doing our last show tonight the rest of the band is on its way back to LA to cover for a band that pulled out at the last minute." he replied and shook his hand.
"Yes, you are that band from Finland, right? My daughter Is obsessed with your band she went to one of your first shows when you guys got here." he smiled, obviously he was also somewhat of a fan.
"Yeah? Here I have some stickers here that the band signed for some of the shows, I'm sure we won't miss a few" I added handing him two heartagram stickers that were signed by each band member.
"OH wow, thank you. You guys have a safe trip." he spoke before turning around and leaving us to head out and get back into the cab

I gave the cab driver the directions to the venue and told the Boys that we were going to be there in time for the show just that we were going to be a hit behind them.

"so are you going to tell me what happened back there or am I up to guessing?" Ville asked, laughing slightly at the dry humor.
"long story short. I didn't bail them out and dad is getting a long sentence and mother is getting a shorter one, charges from Florida got carried over to California and they will  be spending their time here." I sighed, taking a calming breath before adding: " also I gave them more information that will help the case against them" I looked down at my hands and rubbed the inside of my palms, I felt guilty for doing this to my parents. Putting them away and throwing away the keys when I knew they needed me to get them out, but part of my brain told me that they needed me to get them help, and maybe this will help them. Atleast, maybe it will help mom.

"Are you going to tell Burton?" he asked, which in my opinion was a stupid question.
"I don't really have a choice, you and I came together and I can't lie to him with you knowing the choice, but I'm not going to tell him until after the show, maybe when we are on the road again. Or when he asks I don't know." I sighed and looked at him. "I'm caving though. Let me bum a smoke"

He looked at me like I had three heads but nodded "I'll give you one when we are out of the cab" I nodded and looked up at him "tonight's going to be a long night isn't it.." I sighed and leaned on him
"unfortunately love, I have a feeling like this is just the start of it." he replied as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer so that he could kiss the top of my head.


The nightmare happened at 7 this morning, then Ville and I spent some time together, after that I got the call about my parents around 11, and out of the police station by 12:30 with ville, ending us at 1:30 when we finally get the to the venue we needed to be at for the show tonight. Honestly I wished it would have taken longer, that would have been less time that I had to avoid Burton about our parents. I knew I had to face him eventually, I knew I had to face everyone eventually.

First thing I did when Ville and I got out of the car was have a cigarette with Ville, who was still shocked that I even had one. I use to smoke, but I quit, switched to gum and then recently electronic cigarettes, or vapes. Today I needed an actual cigarette though.
I turned to Ville as we walked closer to the venue, using what Gas called my 'boss voice. ' "Get the boys back stage for mic check in 30 minutes, I need to make sure everything is set up at the sound board then I will meet you there with your ear pieces and mics, depending on what they have here you might need to use a head mic." I said and he nodded and moved to the direction of the back stage while I moved to the side of the main stage where the sound board was located.


I was afraid that this was going to happen. That she was going to finally get her chance to stand up for who she is to her parents, do it and then turn cold because she didn't know how to deal with what she was feeling. I just didn't think that she was going to spiral downward so quickly, shutting me out and giving me the 'quick version' of what happened and then not telling me how she felt when she told her parents that she wasn't going to bail them out. I just hoped this didn't turn my angel cold for long. She had work to focus on right now on and she was going to run the last minute show with an iron fist.
I found the boys and told them to meet back stage when requested for mic check, and then when the rest of the Amps were in position a full sound check.
"How is she? What happened?" Burton question as he pulled me to the side, away from the rest of the band.
"She's turning whatever she's feeling into coldness. As for what happened, I'm not really sure myself; but I know she wants to tell you on her own. I think that's when she will tell us the whole story." Burton nodded, understanding more than anyone right now the position she is in right now. He said nothing and walked with me back to the group.
"God I could use a drink right now" I muttered and lighted a cigarette, waiting for Cheyenne to tell us when she was ready.

"Oh, we are all getting drinks when the show is over, that is a garrentee" Linde spoke up and everyone agreed loudly, moving in to where we would go afterwords for these said drinks.



Everything was set up for mic check, and I had the loaders and pushers start setting the rest of the stuff up on stage. I went to the equipment truck and pulled out the mic stand boxes, putting them into a trolley and pushing them to the stage and setting them up before heading back stage with the ear pieces and Villes head mic.

"Okay, so each of your instruments are going to be plugged into your own amps which will be wired to the venues larger amps, I'm already getting them set up." I turned to Ville "I have one on standby ready if you plan on playing guitar tonight." he nodded understanding, so I started handing out ear pieces and Villes mic headset, which he groaned about. I waited for him to pull his hair back so that he could put it on.
"so glad I don't have to wear that bullshit popstar mic" I heard Burton mutter, causing the rest of them to crack up.

"Why am I wearing this again?" Ville asked, turning red from the joke.
"Because someone not naming names- Mige, decided after the last show that it would be a great idea to fall, cracking the stand and breaking the mic. So darling because youre voice is your main instrument you don't need a mic stand, so until we get a new one, you get the bitch Modonna mic." I cracked back, making Mige turn pink and the boys to continue to crack up.

"get out there and warm up go start mic check Boys" I smiled and watched as they walked their places on stage, as they turned to walk I slapped Ville on the butt making him jump and chuckle.

Everything got checked and ready, then checked again closer to the show and when it started I took my place at the sound board observing everything. The show went on well. The song list they agreed on was a little more melancholy then what it usually is, setting the end tone for what today was. A sad mess, I was such a sad mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2018 ⏰

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