Part eight

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Salt in Our Wounds

Part 8.

Villes POV.

I woke up with the sun shining in my face and the smell of coffee brewing; getting up I followed the scent

Last night was the best night of sleep that I've had in while. It was refreshing to feel well rested. I stepped into the kitchen and saw her making herself a cup of coffee. I slip my hands around her waist, she smiled with her dark – almost black eyes looking up at me. “Good morning.” she spoke softly as she finished making her cup. She turned around and faced me and I took the coffee cup out of her hands and set it on the counter next to her. “Hey I’m drinkin—" I cut her off and kissed her gently, she smiled on my lips and kissed me back, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself closer, I cupped the back of her neck and gently caressed it. I pulled back and looked at her, watching her eyes flutter open and smile up at me.

“Good Morning Enkeli.” I whispered, she smiled at the word, she knew what it meant by now. She knew now that she was my angel. She nuzzled her head into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her tighter and kissed the top of her head. Cheyenne took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, then looked up and me.

“The boys are going to be here tomorrow, are they coming over here or are we meeting them somewhere?” She took back her cup of coffee and pulled out of my arms gently. moving out of the way so I could pour myself a cup.

“Well I am pretty sure that they rented a car and they are driving over here; Seppo gave them the address so they can figure out how to get here.” I took a sip of coffee “I was going to ask you if you to stay with me again tonight to help me get ready for them.” I added and looked up at her with hopeful eyes, hoping that she would say yes.

“Yeah, of course I’ll stay with you another night Hun, I just need to run to the house to get more clothes and I’ll be right back.” She smiled at me and rinsed her cup; she always drank her coffee so fast. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, “That okay?” she added blushing a little.

“Of course love, I’ll be right here waiting for your return.” I smiled and as she turned to walk away but I snatched her hand and pulled her back, I placed my hand on her lower back and kissed her fingers. “Just be safe, you haven’t been there a lot these past few days. They are bound to start something If they see you.” She at me and nodded, I knew that she hasn’t received a call from them in the three days she's practically been missing from the house. I knew that if they saw her they would make her feel so bad about herself, and I didn’t want that. She didn’t deserve to feel like every lie they told her about herself.

“I’ll be careful, don't worry.” She giggled and kissed me gently before heading out the door.

Normal POV.

I grabbed my keys from the bowl by the door before heading out to my car in the driveway. Lately I've been at Villes house throughout most of the day, binge watching 'Star Wars. ' the only time I would go home was to sleep, (no matter how much Ville begged that I should just stay the night) which ended up being the middle of the night half of the time. My parents were either not there or sleeping, not bothering to wake me up when they woke up before me.

The house was quiet when I got there, too quiet. I looked around to see if anyone was  home, there wasn’t. I started heading back to my room to get the things that I came for. I started packing clothes for a couple of days, thinking that I might be able to leave some at Villes house so I didn't always need to go back and forth. I looked around my room, going through the mental checklist to be sure that I brought everything I wanted. That's when I saw a note on my bedside table.

Cheyenne, we have left the house for a few days, we should be back in about two weeks. Or we might stay there, we don't know. In that time if you come home we want you to know that we have taken the savings in your dog piggy bank, we need it for the trip. Lock the doors before you leave the house and don’t touch anything you know you shouldn’t.

-          Mom and Dad.

I laughed coldly and grabbed my Ipod and charger from my bedside table, stuffing them in my bag before I looked over at the desk where my dog shaped piggy bank would have been and sure enough it was missing. I shook my head and left, locking the back door and heading out to my car, throwing my bag in the back seat and squealing off.

At a stop light I looked at the note again in my hands, rereading it. That dog had over a thousand dollars in it. I couldn’t believe that it was gone, and in the hands of my parents no less. Anger boiled inside of me, I've been saving chunk change in that since I was a teenager, and now it's gone. This time I couldnt just brush it off and ignore it. I couldn't bottle it up inside and forget about it. So I sped the rest of the way too Villes house. Quickly I got out of my car, grabbing my bag from the back seat and slammed the door. I also slammed the front door closed a little too hard when I walked in. Startling Ville, who was vacuuming and listening to music.

Ville was wide eyed as he watched me after I slammed the door. "What happened? Are you okay? Cheyenne what happened?" he turned down the music and stopped the vacuum, walking closer to me slowly.

"Oh you know, the usual. They decide to go do something that should make their absence feel like a fucking vacation for me. But they always need to find a way to fucking piss on that vacation!" I yell, handing him the note that they wrote. "they didn't even have the balls to call me or tell me in person." I added, grumbling.

He read through the note and sighed, pitching the bridge of his nose. “How much was in the dog love?” he asked looking up from the note.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm myself down. “More than a thousand dollars, more than a grand that I've saved up since I was a teenager” I sighed and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured a glass, chugging it down.

He followed me slowly, watching me like I was something to be feared in my current state. "Is there anything you want to do about this? Other than drinking through it." he sighed, taking my glass out of my hand when I tried to pour myself another glass.

I shook my head and sighed, "I don't know if there is anything I can do about it Ville. I can't call the cops because I don't know where they went, I'm the only one with a car. I don't know if they are even coming back and I really don't want to call them to find out."

Ville nodded, still watching me but also thinking, starting his words slowly. "Well, how about you move in with me.." he started, reading my reaction before continuing "Cheyenne, you've been here almost everyday anyway since we started dating, and frankly It will get you out of the situation almost completely. We will grab the stuff that you want from your room and house after the boys come, and if they never come back then we will figure out what to do with the house when that time comes." he looked at me carefully, studying my face.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, thinking about his offer. I've spent the night twice since we've been together, but I have been to his house almost every day since we started dating. Even If it was just for a couple of hours. This was a big jump in any relationship, and ours was still so new. Everything could go great, or it can be the death of our relationship completely.

"alright, I'll move in." I sighed, still battling with my thoughts.

He sighed and cupped my face in his hands "don't think about it so much, if anything think of it as keeping yourself safe; with an added benifit." he smiled softly.

I laughed slightly at that "what's the added benifit?" I questioned, knowing the answer.

"Me, of course. Now come on, we still need to clean the house for the boys" he kissed me softly before pulling away, handing me my wine glass and walking back to the vacuum.

"Can I bring the wine?" I called out, and he hummed as a reply. Which I took as a yes.

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