Keenan's First Gym Battle and New Rivalry

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Chapter 18

No One POV

The next day had arrived as Keenan and Tatsumi had woken up relatively early as Keenan had did his usual morning routine which is brushing his teeth and taking his morning shower while Tatsumi did his usual morning routine which is being burned by Cyndaquil waking him up brushing his teeth and getting something to eat.

Keenan:dude what the hell happened to you.he asked him

Tatsumi:*sighs*it's Cyndaquil whenever I don't wake up he usually Flame Wheels my ass.he said back to him

Keenan:*chuckles*hey at least it worked somehow but cmon let's get going I want to get this gym battle over with I already did the changes with my team.he said to him as he gotten interested

Tatsumi:oh this should be interesting what Pokémon are you using.he asked him

Keenan:you'll see there is someone I've been wanting to test out I think he's ready for his first battle.he said back to him

With that both Keenan and Tatsumi had made their way toward the gym which is currently 7:30 in the morning  as Keenan had made his way over there fast as he could since he knows that the media and what not is still trying to chase after him and he doesn't want to get involved in that crap as they finally made it to the gym as Viola is already waiting for them.

Viola:*smiles*well well if it isn't the idol saver himself Keenan.she said to him

Keenan:don't say anything about it got it I don't want the goddam media storming me that'll be a pain in the ass to deal with and it won't end well for them.he said back to her

Viola:*sweat drops*oh ugh alright then but anyways shall we start this battle.she asked

Keenan:*nods*yes we shall.he said back to her as they started to make their way towards the battlefield

Viola:so how many gym badges do you have I need to get a scale of what Pokémon I should use.she asked him

Keenan:it doesn't matter I want you to use the Pokémon you used against that girl yesterday.he said back to her which surprised both her and Tatsumi

Viola:*surprised*ugh are you sure about that.she asked him wanting to make sure

Keenan:*nods*yes I'm sure so how is the battle gonna go.he asked her

Viola:don't worry the ref will announce the rules and such before the battle begins got it.she told him which he nodded

Both Viola and Keenan are on either side of the battlefield as the ref is in the middle with her flags ready as Tatsumi is also on the side watching the battle that's about to happen as Tatsumi is thinking to himself if he'll use either his Latios or Heatran but he knows that he won't do it unless he just wants to get the battle over with already and plus it'll be just overkill.

Tatsumi:*thinking to himself*he wouldn't use Heatran or Latios in this battle...right that'll he just overkill.he thought to himself

Ref:this will be a 2 vs 2 Pokémon battle as the winner will be decided when either sides Pokémon are unable to continue, in addition only the challenger are able to substitute Pokémon is both the gym leader and challenger ready.she asked them as she looked both sides

Keenan:*stretching*yeah I think I'm ready enough.he said back to her

Viola:*nods*yeah I'm definitely ready.she replied

Ref:in that case trainers please send out your first Pokémon.she told them

Viola:alright Beedrill let's go.she called out

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