Battle of Hatred

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Chapter 53

No One POV

Right now both Kalakaua and Ash are at a secluded area of the city as both Keenan and Tatsumi are also there with them but just to observe the battle as Keenan had brought each other something to drink as they are on the sidelines about to watch this battle commence as the 2 trainers are standing one side of the battlefield.

Keenan:do you guys need a ref to start this battle.he asked them

Kalakaua:there's no need for a ref Keenan it'll be over quickly.he said to him

Keenan:*shrugs*meh whatever.he said out loud

Ash:*narrows his eyes*I'll show you just how "weak" I am.he declared to him

Kalakaua:*chuckles*i somehow doubt that but are we really going to be doing the same rules earlier only a 3 vs 3.he asked him

Ash:yes and this is my first choice go Riolu.he said as he tossed out his first Pokémon

The ball had opened up revealing Ash's first choice which is his newly acquired Riolu as Keenan had suspected that he finally gotten his Riolu but he's a bit more interested as to what Pokémon he'll use against the Riolu since he still has that Noibat he caught back in Kalos.

Kalakaua:a battle of baby Pokémon I'm game let's go Noibat.he said as he tossed his Pokémon of choice out

His Noibat had came out of the ball with the ring of shine as he flew toward the ground as he's looking at his new opponent as Ash's eyes widens in surprise at the sight of the shiny Noibat.

Ash:whoa it's a shiny Noibat never seen one before.he said out loud

Kalakaua:you may have the first move.he said to him

Ash:if you say so Riolu use Vacuum Wave.he commanded

Kalakaua:Noibat Wing Attack now.he commanded

Noibat had flew closer toward Riolu until he moved at the last possible second which made Riolu completely miss his attack as Noibat's glowing wing had slapped him across the face as he cried out in pain as he was sent flying toward the ground as he had a hard time getting up.

Ash:oh no Riolu are you ok can you get up.he asked him as he slowly stood up

Kalakaua:I see so you must've gotten that Pokémon recently then if it's acting that way how stupid can you be of using a new Pokémon in a battle when you don't know where they stand or how strong they are.he told him

Ash:*grits his teeth*grrhh shut up already what about you that Noibat is a new capture so your pretty much in the same position as me.he said back to him

Kalakaua:there's a big difference between me and you because although Noibat is a new capture I actually took the time to see what his weaknesses and strengths are and came up with a battling style for him, and you on the other hand well your just pathetic.he told him

Ash:*thinks to himself*he definitely gives me Paul vibes.he thought to himself

Keenan:*raises an eyebrow*huh I'm quite impressed he already came up with a battling style for Noibat.he said out loud

Tatusmi:well he's a lot smarter then you think, he came up with a battle style for him the first thing we landed in Hoenn.he told him

Keenan:hmm certainly is impressive but it looks like he needs to work with Samurott now since he evolved.he said as he's watching the battle

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