Tobias vs Keenan, Battle of Growth

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Chapter 63

No One POV

Keenan is currently getting his Pokémon ready as he's about to battle his older brother as it'll only be a 1 vs 1 battle but this battle will be important for him because if he's able to go head to head with Tobias then he can most likely win the Sinnoh league and he also needs to prepare for Riley since he'll be the biggest threat in it.

Leaf:your really going to battle up against your brother right now.she asked him

Keenan:*nods*yeah me and him promised that we'd battle the next time we meet and plus he wants to see if me and my Pokémon have grown.he replied to her

Leaf:not trying to burst your bubble but he'll totally demolish you in a battle, if what he said is true about beating Leon then you stand no chance.she told him

Keenan:*chuckles*of course i know about that after all I was there to witness him beat Leon I can vouch for that and also he'll be using a Pokémon he's been training specifically for me. After all we do plan on having our final and true battle In the Unova league so this will be a good chance to know what other Pokémon he's using against me.he said back to her

Leaf:*tilts her head*and exactly what kind of Pokémon will he be using against you.she asked curiously

When she asked that Keenan's mind had went to his shiny Dragonite who looks like he wants to kill someone his Landorus which is the same Pokémon he used to defeat Cynthia's Mega Garchomp and of course his OP Lucario as he wanted him to use either his Blastoise or Lucario and he chose Lucario.

Besides Keenan doesn't know what other Pokémon he's planning to use against him as he really needs to play his cards right and come up with a team to defeat his.

Keenan:well far as I know he'll be using some pretty powerful Pokémon up against me and he's been showing me what he'll use against me as he only showed me 3 so far and tonight will be his 4th.he responded to her

Leaf:well I wish you luck I think I'll sit this one out and keep an eye on Takuto I think he's in the living room playing with Ash's Pikachu.she said to him

Which he nodded as he begun to make his way out of the house that he has next to his dome now which is more convenient in case something happens as he'll be able to see what happened and in this case it can also be some kind of protection for the orbs that he has as he needs those things heavily guarded especially with what they can do.

He made his way outside and seen Tobias already waiting sitting on a rock as he's drinking some of soda and once he seen him he put his soda onto the rock and stood up as he made his way toward Keenan, as Takuto is back in the lab along with Ash,Brock,Misty and Chloe as Goh is well getting dinner for everyone.

Tobias:so I'm guessing you have your Pokémon already chosen for this battle then.he asked him

Keenan:yeah I believe this one should suffice for our battle and besides I think I should use one of my stronger ones against you.he said back to him

Tobias:well In that case let us begin.he said

As the 2 of them are on either side of the makeshift battlefield that they have as Leaf had went back into the lab to go check on Takuto as she wanted to watch the battle between Tobias and Keenan but figured that he didn't want anyone to watch since it was just those 2 and plus Tobias wants to see his growth as a trainer.

Tobias:*takes out a poke ball*to make it easier on you I'll choose first go Spiritomb.he said as he threw out his Pokémon

Tobias's Spiritomb had made its appearance as it appeared with a ring of shine as he looked at Keenan as he was a bit surprised to see that he has a Spiritomb nonetheless a shiny one although he should've seen it coming since he does like to collect rare and powerful Pokémon, but him having a Spiritomb will be a game changer since he's never battled against one before.

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