Family Vacation Pt.2

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Chapter 48

No One POV

Right now Keenan is at the hotel with Takuto as the 2 of them are currently in both Gyomei's and Takuto's room as Keenan had took him toward Gyomei and explained the situation to him which he had scolded Takuto for sneaking away from Keenan which he learned his lesson and will not do that again but Gyomei is also wondering how the Torracat is doing.

Gyomei:oh yeah speaking of which where's Tobias.he asked him

Keenan:he's currently getting Takuto's Torracat back and also most likely creating dam havoc at whoever stole his Pokémon.he said back to him

Gyomei:oh I see I just hope that he'll be able to retrieve his Torracat.he said as he started praying

Keenan:don't worry he'll get him back along with destroying whatever they have.he replied to him

As Gyomei had stood there and slowly nodded as he started to make his way toward Takuto who is slowly eating his food outside on the balcony.

Gyomei:you can eat your food Keenan before it gets cold and head back to your room I'll be here to comfort Takuto.he said to him

Keenan:if you say so dad but I'll stop by to see how he's doing alright.he said as he gotten his food and left

Keenan had made sure to grab Tobias's food as well as he started to make his way toward their room as he's still livid that some lowly street punks had stolen his little brothers Pokémon and as much as he'd like to go there and teach the people a lesson of not to mess with anyone from his family he also doesn't want to add blood to his hands well unless he has to.

Keenan:I bet Tobias is wrecking havoc over there right about now I wonder if he gotten Torracat back again.he said to himself

Change Scene Tobias Ula'ula island

While at Ula'ula island Tobias is seen in a wasteland of collapsed buildings says there's many fires all over the said place as he's currently in front of the boss of Team Skull with his foot on his head as he also has Takuto's Torracat on top of his head glaring at the person who dared took him away from his rightful trainer. As his large Yveltal had landed behind him shaking the ground thanks to his weight as he glared at the boss of Team Skull as he has killed both humans and Pokémon alike as Tupp,Rapp,and Zapp's Pokémon are all dead thanks to Yveltal's power as he didn't showed any mercy while doing so.

Tobias:*stepping on Guzma*so your going to tell me why you decided to steal a Pokémon form a kid or else I'll tell Yveltal to kill you along with your pathetically weak Pokémon.he asked him as Guzma is face planted

Guzma:*groaning*it wasn't my intention to steal that dam Torracat from a kid my goons have a mind of their own and they do not listen to me Tobias stepped in him harder

Tobias:well if you don't have that much control of your idiots then I suggest you keep a closer eye on them who knows if they'll mess with the wrong people again.he suggested to him

Guzma:*glares at him*just let me go you already killed most of my family here along with their Pokémon so just let me the ones that's alive go please.he begged him

Tobias:*takes his foot off of him*you should be lucky that I didn't killed the 3 idiots that stole his Pokémon I only killed their Pokémon.he said back to him

Guzma:*a bit teary*I'll keep a closer eye on them so just let us go please.he said to him

Tobias:*scoffs*weak and pathetic people like you make me sick but I'll leave you off with a warning but if any of your stupid goons try to take my nephews Pokémon away, I'm not going to be showing any mercy.he said to him

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