Champion of Dragon's Pt.2

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Chapter 152

No One POV

Tatsumi and Urshifu had stared at the incredibly large Dragonite in front of them as Tatsumi can tell that if broken through a limiter just like Kala's Samurott and Keenan's Lucario and of course his own Urshifu.

But this one is different, since Lance has had it ever since he first started out as a trainer which was over a decade ago it's got to be pretty much super powered.

Tatsumi:*sweating a bit*alright Urshifu use Ice Punch now.he ordered him

The wushu Pokémon had roared as his left fist was covered in ice as he lunged at the Dragonite and aimed its fist at him which made contact.

An absolute Chad of a Dragonite has stood there tanking the attack like it was almost nothing, but since it was a super effective move it still felt it.

Tatsumi:*wide eyed*holy crap even an attack like that barely did a thing.he said out in surprise

Lance:since I've had him for quite awhile now I've type attacks don't really do that much damage to him but he still feels it.he said back to him

Tatsumi:*grits his teeth*dammit well try this then, use Thousand Ice Barrage.he ordered

The combined attack used Ice Punch + Close Combat + Water Stream Onslaught as Urshifu had unleashed the flurry of attacks like punches and kicks at the Dragonite who managed to grit his teeth and stood its ground.

Which also managed to push him a few feet as Urshifu had finished the attack and jumped back to only reveal that he only moved it a few feet, as he uncrossed his arms and glared at it.

Tatsumi is starting to sweat now since not even Keenan's Lucario and Kala's own Urshifu can defend the attack like that. But this fucking Dragonite had tanked that shirt like it was nothing.

Tatsumi:*sweating as he thinks*are you fucking kidding me, it just pushed it back a few feet. Not even Keenan's Lucario and Kala's Urshifu can defend the attack.he thought to himself

Lance:I think it's our turn to attack, now use Dragon Claw.he commanded

Tatsumi:*his eyes widens*oh shit dodge it Urshifu.he cried out to him

Dragonite's eyes had narrowed as he flew at Urshifu with his large glowing claws as the energy  was dark blue instead of regular turquoise to show its added power from all thar training.

It contacted the Legendary and it got sent flying past Tatsumi as it landed into the wall behind him as he turned around shocked to see Urshifu with swirls in its eyes unable to battle.

Tatsumi:*wide eyed*n-no way Urshifu is down just like that.he said in shock

Ref:*raises his arm*u-um Urshifu is unable to battle Dragonite is the winner, challenger Tatsumi please bring out your next Pokémon.he announced

Announcer:yeesh it seems that this Dragonite of Lance's definitely isn't screwing around, but to think he had it all this time it even one shotted a Legendary.he said into the mic

As Tatsumi had returned his downed Urshifu as he should've expected it since his Urshifu was pretty much exhausted and beaten by that Explosion from earlier so it's no surprise. But to him it's still surprising.

Tatsumi:*thinks*this Dragonite is going to be one pain in the ass that's for sure.he thought to himself

Change Scene Stands

In the stands Kala,Katie and Tatsumaki are pretty much wide eyed at what the hell just happened, they witnessed one of his best Pokémon get one shotted just like that. Although they expected it from the last battle but still it's surprising to see.

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