An Electrifying Result

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Chapter 34

No One POV

Currently in the Unova region in Nimbasa city gym Keenan is currently battling up against the gym leader Elesa to a battle and well the 2 of them are down to their last Pokémon as Keenan is using a surprising choice which is Latios one of his Legendary Pokémon and Elesa is using her Ampharos which is said to be Elite Four level and well Ampharos is also Mega Evolved as everyone has their eyes set on them.

Keenan:Latios use Dragon Pulse now.he commanded

Elesa:Ampharos use Power Gem.she commanded

Keenan:dodge it Latios.he called out to him

As Latios had seen the oncoming attack and dodged it with minimal effort as Ampharos attack had clearly missed him as Latios had charged up and launched the beam of draconian energy toward Ampharos as her eyes widened a bit as she took on the attack head on which made a large explosion which dealt good damage to her.

Keenan:*thinks to himself*that's right I forgot whenever Ampharos Mega Evolves if gains the dragon type although Ampharos also knows Signal Beam and Dragon Pulse I need to be careful with those attacks.he thought to himself

Elesa:now Ampharos my dear use Thunderpunch.she commanded

Keenan:stop it using Psychic.he told him

As Latios's eyes had glowed blue in color as it sent a wave of psychic energy which stopped Ampharos in mid air as she jumped to get to Latios as she started to flail her arms around trying to break out of it.

Keenan:now slam her onto the battlefield Latios.he commanded

Elesa:Ampharos brace yourself for impact.she told her

Latios then slammed Ampharos onto the battlefield which made a cloud of dust as she cried out in pain as Latios had started to float back down as everyone in the gym had leaned toward to see if she's ok and she was as she blew away the dust as she glared angrily at Latios as she has scratches on her.

Elesa:I should've expected that battling a Legendary won't be easy but still I didn't think that a beginning trainer like you would even have a Legendary in the first place are you sure you aren't lying of you being a beginning trainer.she said to him as he rolled his eyes

Keenan:*rolls his eyes*i'm getting real fucking annoyed of people keep asking me that and the answer is yes and for confirmation just ask her.he said as he pointed toward Casey

Casey:*her eyes widens*huh hey wait don't be getting everyone's attention onto me how could you.she said to him a bit surprised

Keenan:well it's only way for these idiots to stop asking that I'm a beginning trainer or not god it's irritating.he said back to her

Elesa:well I apologize for making you angry but you just can't help my curiosity.she said back to him

Keenan:*groans*yeah I guess so but anyways enough talk Latios use Luster Purge.he commanded

Elesa:it's signature move quickly Ampharos use Thunder.she commanded

Keenan:you know what to do Latios.he told him

As both Ampharos and Latios had started to charge their attacks as Ampharos had unleashed the powerful electric attack as the powerful arch of lightning had made its way toward Latios while Latios had shot out the beam of pure psychic energy but since it was pure psychic energy he was able to control completely. Latios had shifted the attack into multiple beams of psychic energy as each of those beams had slipped passed the Thunder attack hitting Ampharos but it also made Latios vulnerable to Ampharos attack as they were hit by each other's attack.

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