Movie Event Battle

137 7 11

Chapter 176

No One POV

On the way to the Unova region as pretty much the Avengers of the Pokémon world are all nearing the said region as they can see smoke in the distance, but Keenan was confused as to who the person is with the shiny Solgaleo.

Keenan:soo who the hell are you agian.he asked him

Yoriichi:you probably don't remember me but I'm Yoriichi, we met when you were a lot younger.he said back to him

Tobias:he's the former Sinnoh Champion and has never lost a battle, before Cynthia became Champion Yoriichi here was it until he retired.he answered him

Keenan:*surprised*eh your the old Sinnoh Champion? But how do you know our dad.he asked

Yoriichi:*chuckles*we used to be travel buddies until we went our own separate ways, and I must've really grown Keenan.he said back to him

Keenan doesn't really remember much from his childhood since apparently he's sharing this body with someone named Goetia who is the original brother of Tobias, he still can't wrap his head around it but he'll figure it our later down the road.

It was a pretty big group which consist of the 4 main characters, Tobias, Yoriichi, Haleakala and his brother Lehua and that Espie girl named Esther from another reality. They were confident that they'll be able to defeat it with that much people.

Tatsumi:we're nearing Castelia city and it doesn't look good, look at the destruction it's caused.he said out loud

Kalakaua:*narrows his eyes*it looks like to be fighting something else, it's throwing it's attacks everywhere. But what's with that weird bubble.he questioned

Lehua:*sweating a bit*shit if we get caught up in that bubble it'll be even more difficult to battle her, it gives her a massive advantage over everything else it's own domain.he said

Ryuga:so like Jujutsu Kaisen with a Domain Expansion? I guess everyone one of them has these sort of gimmicks.he mused

Keenan:well who cares all of us here have gathered to kill this fucker and that's what we're gonna do.he said out loud

As they all sped up as Keenan had Mega Evolved his Rayquaza and Tatsumi had also did the same with his Mewtwo as they all sped up to the Dark Knight, as Haleakala's chrome colored Rayquaza had roared which caught its attention.

Change Scene Mahina

Mahina tried to attack the Primordial Decidueye who had many other energy like clones with hin also attacking the Dark Knight acting as bombs, as the Lunala was starting to get annoyed.


The Decidueye once again dodged an attack from Lunala as he charged in with a Brave Bird which ultimately slammed into Mahina which caused her to grit her teeth in frustration and irritation, as she screeched loudly sending yet another shockwave which pushed him back.

Mahina:how long do you intend on keeping this up? Your nothing but a lowly worm standing in my way.she said to him

Decidueye:if I'm such a nuisance then hurry it up and get rid of me then.he mocked

She was gonna attack until she heard a familair roar in the distance as she stopped and glanced out from her little marble to see Keenan and the gang pulling up on her ass like the fucking Avengers, but she also seen Haleakala's Rayquaza who looked hungry to kick her ass.

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