Johto League Conclusion Pt.1

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Chapter 67

No One POV

Katie and Tatsumi are battling it out in the finals to declare the winner of this years Silver Conference as Katie is using one of her strongest Pokémon which is her Haxorus and Tatsumi is using his Trevenant, as he may not be one of his strongest he can still do damage.

Tatsumi:Trevenant use Shadow Claw.he commanded

Katie:Haxorus use Dragon Claw.she also commanded

Both Pokémon had lunged at one another as Trevenant's claws are covered with a ghostly energy while Haxorus is covered with draconian energy as they both clashed in the middle which resulted in Haxorus being stronger as he pushed back Trevenant.

Katie:now use Dragon Pulse.she commanded

Tatsumi:quick counter it with Shadow Ball.he called out

Trevenant had created and hurled the sphere of energy toward Haxorus who in response had unleashed the beam of draconian energy at Trevenant which completed consumed the Shadow Ball as it made its way toward Trevenant as connected making an explosion.

Tatsumi:crap are you alright Trevenant.he asked him

Katie:it just needs a few more moves and this battle is over, finish this with Crunch.she commanded

Tatsumi:use Wood Hammer Trevenant.he commanded

Trevenant had got back up as his arm had gotten surrounded with a log made out grassy energy as he swung his right arm at Haxorus who took the attack head on as it has canceled his own attack as he skidded back toward Katie's side of the field as Katie was somewhat surprised to see that it's still standing.

Katie:*surprised*well I'm impressed it's still standing even after taking a Dragon Pulse head on.she said out in surprise

Tatsumi:Trevenant had many training partners in the past so he's somewhat used to pain especially with his training partner.he told her as he's thinking about Typhlosion

Katie:in that case I need to finish this as quick as possible use Outrage.she called out

Tatsumi:*smirks*I was hoping you'd do that now use Destiny Bond.he commanded

Katie:*her eyes widens*oh crap i'm too late.she said as it was too late to change orders

As Haxorus's eyes had gotten a red glow to them as he was surrounded by an orange energy as he jumped right in front of Trevenant as he started to pummel him but not before both him and Trevenant had both glowed an eerie purple color, as Haxorus had swung his tail sending Trevenant flying unable to battle.

But it wasn't over as Haxorus's eyes had slowly widened as he too fell down onto the battlefield as the same purple glow had once again surrounded him taking him down along with Trevenant, as Katie gritted her teeth in frustration.

Ref:*raises his flags*both Trevenant and Haxorus are unable to battle this round is a draw, trainers please send out your next Pokémon.he announced loudly

Announcer:what an incredible strategy Tatsumi had came up with as he used Destiny Bond to take down Haxorus along with his Trevenant, it seems that Katie is in big trouble losing one of her strongest Pokémon so early.he announced as the crowd cheered

Both Keenan and Kalakaua was somewhat impressed while Iori was surprised to see how easily Tatsumi can sacrifice one of his Pokémon to win the battle as Leaf was also surprised to see how ballsy Tatsumi is while Takuto was just cheering.

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