New Rival Arrvies

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Chapter 39

No One POV

A day had passed since Keenan had arrived back in Kanto and also a day had passed since both Chloe and Keenan now has an official relationship which Professor Cerise still does not know about it as of yet, but since Chloe had school she couldn't really hang out and spend time with Keenan because of it so she went off to school. But don't worry the BOIZZ will always be there for you even when your new girlfriend has to go to school, as both Tatsumi and Kalakaua had arrived in the Kanto region not to long ago.

Tatsumi:*yawns*man I wish I had my own private jet that way we could get an actual good nights rest.he said out loud

Kalakaua:*rubbing his eyes*yeah you and me both flying on a plane like that with no beds is a major pain in the ass.he said out loud

Tatsumi:well Keenan has a private jet of his own so he doesn't really need use a commercial airlines and it has actual beds.he said as he was surprised

Kalakakua:*surprised*what seriously is his family like super rich or something.he asked in surprise

Tatsumi:*shakes his head*no he just knows this billionaire that's all but anyways let's head to the lab he should be up by now feeding his Pokémon or training them.he said

Kalakakua:*grins*I jut want to see that disappointment named Ash that's the person I want to see the most aside from Keenan.he said while grinning

Tatsumi had sighed when he heard that as he knew that he should've kept his mouth shut while he was talking to him back in the plane and pretty much the entire flight here he could not stop grinning like he just won the lottery or something which in this he can finally battle Ash as from what Tatsumi could get a grasp of is that he absolutely despises him.

Small Timeskip

Both Tatsumi and Kalakakua are now at the lab as Kalakakua is seen drinking some juice since he gotten thirsty as Tatsumi is also drinking juice as they stopped at a vendor to get drinks before they came here and well the first thing Kalakaua had noticed when they gotten here was that huge ass dome that's on the property which Tatsumi explained that it was Keenan's.

Kalakakua:*wide eyed*seriously who the hell needs a dome that big it's fucking huge it makes that other dome there look so small.he said out loud in surprise

Tatsumi:well the thing is Keenan was fine with a regular sized dome but Mr.McKenzie decided to make it 4 times the size of that one.he explained to him

Kalakaua:geez your friend sure is interesting to say the least.he said back to him

They were interrupted when someone had opened the door of the lab as Keenan had walked out with his hair tied in a ponytail which surprised Tatsumi a bit as he wasn't expecting his hair to be tied in a ponytail although he should've expected it since his hair is long as Kalakaua had looked at him with interest.

Keenan:*smirks*good to see you again shit rod how was Galar find anything good.he asked him

Tatsumi:*grins*yup sure did I even caught 2 new Pokémon from there and even gotten the Pokémon from Mustard.he told him

Keenan:I see I'm interested to see what Pokémon you caught but anyways *looks at Kalakakua* is this Kalakakua.he asked

Kalakakua:*grins*yo the names Kalakakua and I'm from the Alola region I'm 16 years old and I absolutely despise Ash the so called Alola Champion.he introduced himself

Keenan:*chuckles*i see so you hate Ash huh but it's nice to finally meet you in person Kalakakua.he said as he shook his hand

Kalakakua:*shakes his hand*sure no problem but do you mind if we have some coffee me and Tatsumi are still feeling tired from the flight.he asked him

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